Monday, August 14, 2017

I have not had one of these nights in a very long time. It is just after midnight and even though I was exhausted all day, I can't seem to fall asleep.
Maybe it is the disappointment after an extra inning Yankee loss.
Maybe it's because of a particularly intriguing episode of Game of Thrones?
Maybe it was the 2 cups of coffee at 10 pm.
(Coffee never usually keeps me up).
Maybe it has something to do with the new job I am starting tomorrow.
Maybe I am just over tired.
What ever it is,here I am ....wide awake after midnight.
Not exactly what I anticipated.
I would take a nice hot relaxing shower, if I hadn't done that already this evening.
I could try reading,however I don't have a print copy waiting to start. I may throw on my headset and listen to the audio book I am just about done with. Or perhaps, the Sunday crossword?
Maybe both of these?
All I know is that with the new job on the agenda as well as a full early bus run and the possibility of a resurrection of a project that I thought was dead, I find myself wide awake, not getting the sleep and rest that I know I will need to be at my best come day break.
Stressing over this only makes matters worse.
A few minutes with the crossword puzzle and then a chapter or so of my audio book will surely turn things around for me . 
Lets see how that goes!

7 am....5 good hours of sleep really did make a difference!

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