Sunday, January 31, 2016

Victim or Victor!

I decided that instead of writing about how I was feeling today I would choose to write about how I want to feel today. What's the difference? If I gave in to the thoughts and mood that greeted my morning , I would be destined to a day of existing in victim mode.Questioning why resembles standing in a pit with a shovel and wondering how come each time I try and toss a shovel full out of the hole I'm in I end up with dirt on my head!
Instead,I have brought a bunch of buckets down in to the depths with me. I will use my shovel to fill them and then carry them out of the abyss. Once on the surface, who knows what I can do with the dirt? Maybe I can build a mound from which I can get a better perspective on where I really am today.
This morning I was greeted by messages from two friends,concerned and supportive messages.I appreciate their reaching out to me. They both reminded me that no matter what, I must keep at it....being the best me I can be.
My mentor and friend Doug Smith wrote in his daily blog how we should "use setbacks to pivot toward the direction of our mission". Yet another message received!
Rise up to meet the challenge!
Grab your bootstraps and pull yourself up!
The cream rises to the top!
All of these offer sound advice.
 There are times when it seems counter intuitive to do this. There are times when you just feel beat up, kicked around, taken for granted and just plain tired of it all.
Give in to that feeling?
Not me!
Ain't gonna happen!
Meet the day....greet the day....seize the day!

Shavua Tov!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Taking control!

Today is definitely turning into a catch up/catch my breath day.I have already had a fairly full day (it's 2 pm). I don't feel overwhelmed or "busy". Methodically, I have run errands,worked out, and accomplished a number of chores and tasks. I have not yet done anything that will serve to prepare me for next week. I have been productive.
A lazier me would just plop myself on the the couch, turn on the boob tube and veg out for the rest of the day. 
However, with the house basically to myself, I can use a good part of the afternoon for prep time for Monday.This down time is surely welcome as I am so misaligned with my own needs and wants at this point . The break in the continuous action will allow me an opportunity to sit back,think,contemplate regroup and eventually begin to plan.
First on my to -do's will be a clean desk top. Then ,with a crisp clean pad of paper, the lists will start.
 What do I want to accomplish?
Who do I want to reach out to?
What are my immediate goals?
Who do I reach out to first?
What falls under the category of urgent?
Who can wait until later in the week?
What are my priorities?
Who did I not get back too?
My desk is an L-shape. I have a monthly planner on each desktop.The current month in front of me and the next month on my right side. Today I will start answering all of the above by beginning to fill in dates and deadlines on the February calendar to my right.Monday morning that calendar will move from my side to front and center on my desk.I will the tear off the January calendar in front of me,and place the March calendar to my right once again.
It's easy to get overwhelmed. It is easy to forget things.It is easy to sit back and let life run you over.
It is much more productive to take control. 
If I have said it once,I must have said it a thousand times by now.....
Do I want my life to lead me or do I want to lead my life?
Victim or victor?
It's all a mater of choice!

Friday, January 29, 2016

I'm doing just fine!

Once again.....8 pm and I am finally getting some me time.
This was a particularly busy day.It started of at a nice even pace and kept building throughout the day. It never got out of control, however, there was not a whole lot of down time. I am now able to take advantage of a quiet house and spend some time writing before I poop out completely.
It's another How am I doin' Friday and I have to tell you that I find myself at an uncomfortable weight. Oh I look good,you might even say I look great. I just know I don't feel good at my current weight.I am not ready to roll up my sleeves and go to work on it in a serious way. I am still super bloated from my week away. Air travel and standing on concrete for 10 hours a day always has some residual consequences. When I was as big as I once was, I would chalk that up to my size. Now that I am more "average" in size,I realize that these external factors do have an effect on me.My plan is to ride out the weekend and see how I feel come Monday morning. As a matter of fact, Monday will be a day of re commitment. Re commitment to work,to a more structured schedule, to a better work out regimen, to a cleaned up food plan and a re commitment to reading and some other personal growth work.
Planning this roll out for Monday morning does not mean that I intend to sit around doing nothing all weekend. There is a lot to be done in the next 48 hours if I have any hope of being prepared to hit the ground running come the start of the week.
The blessing in all of this is just how kind and thoughtful I am being to myself.
In the past, I would be stressing myself with all of the uncertainty before me. I would beat myself up for the weight gain and the uncomfortable feelings I am having. I would engage in a mental self flagellation that would leave scars, welts and bruises. They were not only painful to me. They were visible to others,which often made people stand offish towards me, as if some how I was unapproachable.The truth is, my self loathing did nothing to allow people to approach me.
It's different today. 
I am open and honest, maybe a little too much, when it comes to discussing and acknowledging how I am feeling. 
It's nice. 
It's kind. 
It's forgiving.
On this How am I doin' Friday, I can honestly say I am doing just fine!
Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hang on tight!

Here we go again! It's 9 pm and I finally have found the quiet time I like to sit and write to you.I actually began to write at around 11 this morning and something interrupted me. Then something else popped up. And then something else .And then something else.By 4:30 ,I found myself scrambling to call Uber to drive me to an appointment. I had no idea how I was going to get home...that didn't matter. I knew I would figure the next step out when the time came.As you can see, I did eventually make it home after a trip to the gym and a few errands.
Once again, I find that my timing is all messed up.The rhythm that I had established before leaving for New Orleans has fallen apart.Looking ahead, I know that it will not improve in the immediate future. Tomorrow is already shaping up to resemble what I experienced today.Much like when one goes white water rafting,there are those times when you will glide along at a smooth comfortable pace. There are also those times when the rapids become more challenging,even treacherous. Eventually your heart starts racing. Your mind and muscles take over and the skills that you have acquired through years of experience,study and trial and error all kick in.Skillfully you manage to wind your way through the turbulent swells emerging once again to smoother calmer waters. Your heart is still racing. The experience has shifted from stressful to exhilarating. The entire experience has left you both exhausted and energized at the same time.I know deep in my being that this is what I am experiencing and about to experience. It doesn't mitigate the dangers. It doesn't calm the waters. I certainly can not afford to just row to shore and trek around the white caps. Nor would I want to. The ride is the fun part.
It's time to just tighten the straps on my helmet,cinch up the life vest and get ready for yet another wild  ride!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Keep Calm!

Today has the potential to become one of those days that becomes a runaway freight train. I wear many hats, in many different arenas. After a week away, a week in which all of the folks I interact with were also preoccupied,every one is knocking at my door today. I can see how if I am not vigilant and centered, these little fires can become a raging inferno very quickly.
Yesterday, I was amazed at how much I was able to get done simply by shutting out any extra curricular requests or noise.I handled the very few agenda items I knew required my immediate attention. Then , I simply disengaged from outside interference. It created a calm work space mentally for me to operate in.
On the plane ride home from New Orleans, I finished listening to Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect". Towards the end ,he spoke about his daily routines and how well they serve him One of those routines is to start his day with a list of the 3 things he wants to accomplish during the day. At the end of the day, he makes time to make sure that these 3 things were accomplished. These bookends to his day were the key to determining how successful his day was.No matter how out of control the middle of his day becomes, starting with a set of "must do's"and ending the day knowing that they were taken care of , makes all of the difference in gauging his productivity.
I am constantly reminded as well as amazed that after all of the work I have done over a fairly extended period of time, that getting back to basic routines is fundamental to success.Developing these strong foundations to build on is an ongoing,ever evolving process.It can be exhausting, when I realize how far astray I can and have become from these practices. It is no different than good health habits or healthy food protocols. Diligently adhering to these work routines will ultimately serve the health of my business. 
Not to mention the stress it will relieve as well.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

There's no place like home!

January 26th, 2016

Be it ever so humble.......
There is no place like home!
Don't get me wrong.....I had a terrific time in New Orleans. Not the in the way most people enjoy the Big Easy. There was no partying for me. The food was excellent ,however I did not go completely off the charts.The weather was not great for the South...cold ,unseasonably cold so I did not get that vacation feeling from that either. I was there for a trade show. Up early, long days on my feet all day and truth be told, not much business to be written.
Even my sleeping accommodations were less than extraordinary. With 5 of us sharing a two bedroom suite, guess who got the couch?
So what made the week so enjoyable?
The person I spent my time with all day.
From the minute I set off to the airport until the minute I walked in the door last night, I had the pleasure of interacting with this new David, full of energy, positive in every conversation and smiling, yes smiling at every possible occasion. I spent time with friends that I have known for decades.Each one greeted me with a smile so warm that the near freezing temps did not matter. Vendors who I have walked past for years ,were stopping me and engaging in conversation. I did not walk the show, I strutted and paraded through the show. I shook hands and greeted people like a politician on the campaign trail.And every time I looked up, my eyes met someone who was smiling back.
I shared with some one that I had been fired by just about every vendor in the room at some point. Although I was kidding, the truth is that there are many vendors who for one reason or another I am no longer working with today. Yet I have a warm and friendly relationship with every one of them (with 1 exception!....some wounds are just too deep!)
Each encounter ,each reunion brought a huge hug....not just a handshake. And the hugs were awesome. Not the Yo Bro' , 1 arm on your back type of hugs.These were the kind that made the other person relax and melt into your arm type hugs.They were hugs that lasted a little too long....and then a little longer until they were just right.
It was as I said ,a terrific time!
And now I'm home. Snow, freezing cold, and mostly alone here at my desk. 
And as Dorothy say's.....
There's no place like home!

Darren Daily:

Today's Word of the Day:
Inspire someone else by sharing today's message.
If you or someone you care about needs to lose weight, let me know!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What we do some of the time......

In coaching training one of the principles I came to understand was as people, what we do some of the time is what we do all of the time.Simply, either out of habit or routine,or just because we know no other way, we revert to doing things in the same way over and over and over again.
I have seen this idiom at work many times. In fact,almost all of the time.I, like most people, am usually very predictable when faced with challenges. That is except when confronted by the inevitability of change. If we do not adapt, and move away from our comfort zone, our way of doing things, opportunities are surely missed and frustrations will set in. This is one of those times when change is a fact!
As I make final preparations to head out for yet another Halloween show, I find myself in an awkward situation.The role that I played and the position I filled for so many years has changed.I no longer have the same duties or responsibilities that I have had in the past . The constant checking and double checking,arranging and reconfirming just is not the same.My leadership is not needed in the same way that it has been for years.I find myself in moments of profound confusion as to what it is I should be doing. The answer is actually quite simple. The answer is, I should just let go.That's not to say let things fall apart and stand on the sidelines watching it happen. I can offer my assistance wherever it is needed. I can take a step back and understand exactly what my new responsibilities and priorities look like. Once I determine that, carrying them out to the best of my abilities is now my role.
This diminishes nothing.
Funny as I write this I realize that in all of the years where my responsibilities grew and grew and grew, upon completion of it all, there was never a thank you. There was never a good job salutation, there was never any act or sign of appreciation. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting different results. 
It's time to end the madness!
I will be fine doing what I need to do.
My tasks will be handled and my commitments will be met. I will do my part and more as I always do. 
What was the January word of the month?
Exactly why I know all that I say will happen will in fact happen.
Maybe, just maybe, we have come full circle....
What we do some of the time is what we do all of the time.
I Do Trustworthy!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hoist the sails!

I have absolutely no energy today.I am achy,sore and my arthritis is really making its presence known.In a which came first scenario ,I don't know if my lethargy is based in my discomfort or my discomfort is exacerbated by my blah mood and energy level.
There are days when I have that extra pep in my step.I love those days. On those days I know I am firing on all cylinders.My sails are wide open and the breeze is propelling me, full speed ahead!
Then there are days when I find myself constantly adjusting my sails to find enough wind to keep everything moving. These are days where my seamanship is tested. The challenge to make the adjustments necessary is stimulating and ultimately rewarding  when the sails are trimmed in perfect harmony with the forces surrounding me.
And then there are days like today, when skill is less of the determining factor and effort becomes the driving force.I could choose to relent,in hopes of a better tomorrow, or dig deep and call upon all of my resources to break these doldrums.
It happens.
There are just going to be days like this.
It is inevitable.
That does not mean that I have to exist in that state and let it control the course of my day. When I do, that day can become those days ,which can become that week which before you realize it has become a period of time.Soon it affects the way I show up for life plotting a course that will surely get me nowhere.
Instead,I choose to call upon all I know, all I've learned,all I have encountered and all of the resources I have in my arsenal to break through and move beyond this malaise.
I never said it's easy.
I just know it's possible.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

So what's New!

Since I didn't write on Friday, I did not get to share with you my usual "How am
I Doin' " updates. In anticipation of being away this Friday as well, instead of
my normal How am I Doin' Friday report, I decided to give you a "So what's new
Sunday!" instead!
So what's new?
A lot actually. Nothing earth shattering . Still worthy of sharing!
Physically all is good. My weight is coming back down to a comfortable place. I
am not where I want to be, however I am working at it.I get a lot of "you look
fine!" comments, and I am sure I do. I just know what I would be more
comfortable with as a landing point. I am comfortable with the plan I have in
place to get to that target weight.
I am delighted at my continued commitment to the weight as well as to my
workouts. My 6-8 work out a week schedule has gone well over the last month. If
I had set any goals other than the commitment to put in the effort, I am sure I
would be frustrated as this is just as much of a process as the weight loss
was.Incrementally, there are improvements in all phases of my fitness program.
stamina strength,conditioning,core balance, flexibility and mobility all a
little bit better each day.
Knock on wood, no ailments,pains, sickness or other maladies to report!
All is good .
On the work front, there is always something going on and that is also a good
The same approach as with my health ,evolutionary vs. revolutionary, is helping
me remain focused and positive.I know 2016 will be an extraordinary year.
I did a bit of a centering exercise earlier this week. I told the office"close
you eyes and remember all that we put in place for 2015. Now imagine if all of
those seeds had bore fruit........"
While some felt absolute disappointment that the harvest did not reflect the
work that went into the planting season, the fact of the matter is that we had
no control over that part. The part that I could control, that was in my power
to have an affect on was handled well. It was a good year.....just one that did
not bare much fruit.
So we do it again and look forward to a bumper crop in 2016.
So that's my check in for now.
The challenges for the year ahead are....well ahead of me.
Thankfully, I am up to turning each and every one of those challenges into
another opportunity!
Shavua Tov!

So I had picked a Sunday Song of the Day,and then I got an email from a friend.
I had no choice but to share with you what he shared with me.
Talk about hope for a better tomorrow!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Change is a good thing!

Change makes me uncomfortable. 
During periods of change nothing seems to fit right. Things do not line up they way I am used to. Everything seems off center during times of change.
The scary part is that I am learning to enjoy these uneasy feelings.
It reminds me that I am shifting once again. There is transformation taking place.Stormy waters today means that there is smooth sailing someplace ahead of me.
Yesterday I did not write. We are continuing the process of converting our old office into a new work space and moving the old into my home office.That move included switching computers. This required more than unplugging one and plugging in the new one. It meant saving,downloading and reinstalling all sorts of programs. It also afforded me the opportunity to update new technologies and software,
All changes which I am very uncomfortable with. Resetting passwords,remembering old passwords, recreating shortcuts and all sorts of other simple tasks that I haven't had to deal with in years.Before this move, I simply sat at my computer, clicked on a preset icon and it instantly brought me to the task I wanted to complete.
Now I am starting all of this anew.I can't find this and I can't find that. I am looking for this and I am missing the other thing.So much new ,I don't even know what I am missing. Yet I know that all of this is a positive as I move on to the next iteration of how I do what I do.
In the past, the frustrations that accompany a move such as this were so painful that I would avoid the move for as long as possible. That would be followed by periods of discomfort and moodiness.
Today I recognize that change brings these uncomfortable feelings. Trust me, they are still frustrating. I just handle them better. I know that they are harbingers of a better way for me to be. My innate urge to resist these changes has shifted to a desire to work through them as I grow .
Even more amazing to me, is that here I am, just a few short days before leaving town for our biggest trade show of the year and I decided it was time to keep upsetting the apple cart.
 Maybe we could have left this move to when we get back? 
Maybe  we should have waited for a quieter time? 
Maybe the office conversion could wait another month....or until Spring time? 
Maybe we should wait until we get back to turn our attention to opening the new shop?
Or maybe , just maybe, we should listen to more Nike commercials!
I know my friend Wayne will read this and once again send me to a link he has shared with me on more than one occasion! And once again I will listen to it and remind myself to JUST DO IT!
Change is Good!
Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


The poster read's:
 "Sometimes the thoughts in my head get bored, and go for a stroll out through my mouth. This is never a good thing!"
That's exactly what happened last night. Quite honestly I want to tell you that made me very uncomfortable. The good news is the uncomfortable feeling only lasted a brief moment and in the end I was glad I had said what I said and quite frankly didn't give a damn what others may have thought about it.
Why was it uncomfortable? Because it sounded like or felt like I was blowing my own horn. That is so not me that I literally had to let it burst out of me to have it come out.It was not a was more akin to verbal flatulence!
As it came out of my mouth, my brain said "what the hell are you doing!"David doesn't say things like this.......certainly out in the open....among others.
Have I lost my mind?
Then the other voice inside of me chimed in. 
"Hey dude.....aren't you the one who is tired of being overlooked?Taken for granted?""Under appreciated and certainly under acknowledged?"
"Didn't you and one of the people who were in ear shot of this verbal vomit have a conversation a few months ago where you admitted to feeling left out when others were being recognized and you were never even glanced at?"
More important was that which I was referring to was something that in my life is fairly significant.It is a huge part of who I am, even though it is a minor act, insignificant in the grand scheme of my life and certainly in the lives of most others.
But it is something that I was introduced to 50 years ago. It was introduced to me by my parents. At first I watched.Then I learned as I participated. Soon I took a leadership role. And today, 50 years later, I am a steward of a tradition that was handed down from one generation to another. One that will probably end when I am no longer.
Someone else will take care of it....or not. And it really won't make a difference.
Except to me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The other day while I was on a conference call, something the facilitator said rang a bell in me. 
 I had lost sight of something.
What goes around comes around.Seasons come and they go.Each one with their own special message and purpose. I have written about this in the past....often. As I listened to the call, I was reminded of the seasonality of life.The call leader made no mention specifically of this, however,something she said obviously triggered my brain to come back to this.
In the past,when the planting season would come, I, like any good farmer would ready my fields, go out to the shed where I stored my seeds and plant them knowing exactly what I planted. A little from this batch of seed,a little from that batch of seed and before I knew it,they were all in the ground, and the Winter, the germinating season was upon us.In the Spring, the growing season ,the seeds would become seedlings and I knew exactly which plants were what.I knew what I had planted . Like any good farmer, if I planted wheat, wheat would grow. If I planted soy,soy would grow.If I planted barley, I would not expect to see hops growing.How well they grew? That was a different story with many external factors.But no matter what those external forces were,if I planted corn....I would get corn!
This year for some reason,things seem different. As I would always do, at the end of harvest I began preparing for my next crop.There was a storm approaching and I had to hurry and get my seed in the ground. When I went to the shed for seed, it was as if,all of the labels were off of the bins. I grabbed handfuls of seeds from as many different containers as possible and raced to the fields scattering all that I had gathered,not knowing what it was I was planting.
I gathered up my tools, stowed them away,went inside and hunkered down from the storm.Now Winter is here and I have no idea what it is I have planted.Every day I peek out my window to look and see what might be growing beneath the surface.
It's futile!
You can't see what you can't see.
So I wait.
In due time Spring will be here.The seeds will eventually push upward and seedlings will appear. What they will be is the great unknown. Whatever it will be will be. All the hoping and praying will not matter. What matters is what I do with the crop that appears. And what I do now to make sure I have prepared for the season ahead of me. Sharpen my tools, clean up my surroundings and prepare for what ever bursts forth.
Spring will follow Winter.Summer will follow Spring and eventually it will be harvest season once again.
I do not control the seasons.
 I can only prepare for them!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On my way to the gym this morning I found that I was having a familiar conversation with myself.
"Why am I writing a book?"
Only this time the conversation was different. In the past my reticence was from a lack of self confidence.I found myself questioning why anyone would want to read a book about me.I have come to understand that it's not about me (a fact I was reminded of yesterday). This time my trepidation was coming from a place of lack! With my resources being tested ,why am I spending time and energy on something as frivolous as writing a book?
Is it feeding my family? 
Is it generating income?
Is it paying my bills?
Is it providing a roof over my head?
The answer to these questions is no as far as I can tell.
So why, then am I not pushing the book idea to the side and focusing all of my energy and attention towards the BHAM (Big Hairy Audacious Monster) in the room?
As much as this was bothering me, I set it aside and went about my workout...upper body and some cardio and an hour later I was heading out the door. That's when I ran into a friend who has been reading my stuff daily for over a year now.
She wanted to thank me. She went on to explain that after reading my stuff regularly she has a fresh outlook on her own life and has begun a journey of her own. She has chosen to appreciate where she is and what she has today and use it as both a comfort blanket as well as a launching pad for what else in store for her.Her face lit up as she described how much better she feels when she drops the lack and acknowledges the blessings in her life.She was  glowing as she shared some of her immediate plans as well as talking about her eye on the future.
I left the gym feeling .....well awesome!
Knowing I had touched a life, just one life,in such a positive way was the answer to my question from earlier today. That is why I am writing a book. It is not taking anything away from my table. It is not rerouting the funds for paying bills. And it is not jeopardizing the roof over my families head.Nor is it stopping me from exploring options to rectify my current situation.
I felt good about that. I still had lack issues to deal with ,however the book has nothing to do with that. I understood in that moment that the book thing is a good thing.
As I drove away I found myself humming to the song on the radio.
It was Thomas Rhett singing...."Die a happy man!"
Fitting huh!
Addictions by their very nature control our lives.By definition, they become things we can't live without.They may start out casually, even recreational. At first they may even be good for you such as pain meds or anxiety medications. What harm is there in a drink with a friend or colleague?
Little by little, you find that you seek the pleasurable feeling more and more. Before you know it, to achieve the same high, you need more of what ever it is that you are addicted to. Without it, you feel depressed,unhappy and out of sorts.
You want more...and you want it to bring you even higher. Yet, you need a stronger dose just to sustain what you already have, never mind what it would take to elicit those feelings of euphoria you are seeking.
I am an addict. 
My addiction.....creating awesome!
I just love bringing joy to people. I love creating environments and experiences that are awesome, not just pleasurable.
Memorable is good,unforgettable is better!
Tied into that same addiction is building things. 
Taking a dream, creating a vision and following through to a reality.
I have played many roles on stage, yet nothing was more gratifying than producing a show.
Add insurmountable odds to the equation and I light up like the skies on the 4th of July!
I realized just how addicted to this process I am this weekend. I am in the throws of setting up a new business with my wife and daughter. For me. it's not a money thing....I certainly will not be able to retire or even fill the gaps in my revenue stream that I am searching for. It's about the process. It's about creating. It's about bringing a dream to something tangible. 
It's turning why not into booyah!
 In the grand scheme of things, this project is not monumental in size. When I am involved in the process, I am on fire. However,because it is not a 24/7 type of project for me, I find that after the high, I come crashing back down to the sober reality of my life.....craving more and more and more of the action!
You may think that there are worse addictions to deal with Possibly......but right now,not from where I am sitting!
There is a little voice inside of me keeps repeating "there must be more!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

You are correct. I did not write to you yesterday. When the day started out,I had every intention to write. As the hours passed,I found myself unfocused and by nightfall I simply decided to abandon any attempt to share my thoughts with you. My thinking was "tomorrow is another day!".
Well here it is ,yesterday's tomorrow and if I were to succumb to the way I am feeling energetically, I would not be sitting here writing today either.
It could be the residual effect of  my workout from yesterday. Normally on Saturday mornings I train with my trainer. Yesterday, instead, he became my workout partner. It was a fantastic experience,one that I hope we can do more often. Working out with a young man in his late 20's who until two years ago was playing semi-pro football, is pretty awesome at 61!Now if he could only keep up with me!
To be honest, I don't believe that's the reason for my apparent lethargy.I suppose I could ruminate on the why's of my apathetic mood, however that would really be of no help. 
While searching for a quote or thought of the day, I came across Steve Maraboli's quote which had been sitting on my desk top for a while now.It absolutely sums up where I am today.And what I must do to move on from this place.
Get out of my own way!
Stop the paralysis by analysis. 
Create a plan and move on!
The only part of his quote that I am not dealing with is "decide what you want".
In that I am not sure what I want ,I am choosing to keep moving knowing that eventually the darkness will pass and a light will once again shine in me.In fact, maybe that is the "what I want". I want to not be stuck here any longer. So my decision is to of my butt and move on. 
There are times in the gym, where I find that I am encouraging myself to push through. Sometimes I am even scolding,yelling or challenging myself.Today is just one such day. I know I will be better off for putting forth the effort. And not a half-ass feeble simulation of effort. I mean a dig deep and find that extra effort. The kind that just showed up yesterday when I found myself trying to keep pace with some one less than half my age whose physical attributes are only something I can dream of having.
(No matter how much I work out or how much weight I lose, I will never be 6'4").
The message is clear.
Get moving....keep growing!
Like that extra rep at the end of a set, I know I will feel better for having pushed myself!
Shavua Tov!

Friday, January 8, 2016

It's another How am I doin' Friday.To tell you the truth, I am doing pretty darn well!
I suppose if I were so inclined I could gripe about a whole boat load of things. My weight,the weather,my finances,my time management,the general direction of my life etc.etc. etc. 
Instead I find myself excited about the opportunities that each of these arenas have in store.The potential for change and growth is unlimited.Understanding that not one of these is life threatening and that change is incremental, makes it all seem so easy.
Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary.
Today,  evolutionary , gradual methodical change is my best course of action.
With no proverbial gun to my head,the upheaval that revolutionary drastic change brings is unnecessary. Developing a sensible forward plan that brings about steady progress is much more effective than turning the world upside down and then dealing with the consequences of that action.There may be a time, place and need for that revolutionary change. It's just not where I am right now.
Standing still is not an option either. 
Change is inevitable!
Without a plan, change will happen ,and probably not in a good way.
That is why, I spend so much time and energy addressing every opportunity to keep moving in a positive direction.All around me I hear"Make 2016 the best year of your life!"Well of course that's what we want.But it doesn't happen just by wanting it. I have to work at it.
And that is exactly what I am doing on this How am I doin' Friday!
Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

It's 4:30 in the morning. I have been at my desk since a little before 3,in part a residual effect from the last 2 days which somehow managed to slip away from me . At around 2 this morning I found myself wide awake and staring at the ceiling.Instead of fighting with my pillow and wrestling with my blanket, I decided to get a head start on the day in the hopes of freeing up some time as well as attending to some agenda items that have been left undone.
So far, it's been a good day!
I have sent out a few emails that even though have not been answered yet,are off of my to do list.I have also found some quiet time to think as well as to listen to some of my daily work including my Darren Daily.The day feels like I have the opportunity to respond to my to do list rather than react to it.
As I cleared up some open items, I remembered that two days ago, I had wanted to address something that my mentor had put out for thought.
In his daily message, Darren suggested making a list of the 3 things that I would not do in 2016. What 3 things are so important to me, that I will not compromise on them.
Two of them came to me immediately.The third seemed to elude me. That is until this morning. The quiet of the stillness of the early morning has allowed me to to be open to my innermost thoughts and feelings.In that calm and quiet, it was easy to see what these three immutable "will not's"  are.
* I will not go back!
* I will not give up!
* I will not minimize my self worth!
I have worked very hard over the last two and a half years to get where I am today.My health is the best it has been in decades,absolutely the best since becoming an adult (when exactly did that happen !).
* I will not go back!
I am not making nearly as much money as I once did, however I have a clearer picture of my finances and a more rational approach to how to deal with this.
* I will not give up!I have a much better understanding of who I am and my value to others.
* I will not minimize my self worth!
I have a long list of accomplishments (notice I did not say accolades) that if put on a resume would be beyond impressive.I have given and have so much more to give.Wherever I am and wherever I go, is nourished by my presence. Whoever I meet or whoever I come in contact with is elevated through that encounter.I understand that this is the busiest of two way streets as I grow from each and everyone of these events and experiences. My takeaways far outreach what I give.What I gain from them is immeasurable.
In the past,I did not have the self esteem to understand that this was in fact a two way street. I would be upset because others did not acknowledge my value. I would not take credit for my accomplishments. always deflecting and deferring to others.Self promotion was (and still is) abhorrent to me.
Awareness and acknowledgement of my worth is different.Understanding who I am and what I am about and what I have to offer and what I bring to any given situation or relationship is huge!
* I will not go back!
* I will not give up!
* I will not minimize my self worth!Never again!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Another day that ha gotten completely away from me.It as been non stop since early this morning.The grind of the day has clouded my thoughts making writing feel like a chore rather than my favorite part of the day.I am not sure how that happened or why I allowed that to happen again today.I do know that it feels like a loss to me.I also know that I do not like the way it feels.
I can justify all of the why's as to how this happened. There are a million and one excuses or reasons.Bottom happened and I am not liking it.
The good news is that I am aware of it now . I will not pressure myself this evening to be"creative" . The energetic juices that often flow during my writing time are not connected to a switch that I can simply turn on or off.Forcing creativity is pointless.Therefore once again, I am going to call it a night. I will grab a cup of coffee, relax a bit and get to bed.As I tell my clients tomorrow is another day. Today will end at midnight.
And I always leave them with....
Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It's closing in on 9 pm. I have been at it since 5:30 this morning when I went to the gym. 200 text messages,almost as many emails, and a 270 mile road trip which included a sales meeting that lasted almost 2 hours have left me feeling like maybe I don't feel like writing today. So if you don't mind....I think I will just make myself a cup of tea, relax a bit and then get some sleep!
Let's catch up tomorrow!

Monday, January 4, 2016

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I got when I saw my Minute with Maxwell's word of the day today 
Wow! What a sense of validation! I sat back in my chair looked towards the heavens and smiled!How's that for starting of my new year!
Pretty freakin' awesome!

Not looking to dampen my spirits, I did want to chat with you about something that has come up for me lately.
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves...."
Matthew 7:15

Don't get alarmed..... I am not a bible thump-er.It's the start of a new year and I am being bombarded by new you schemes and fad diets. Commercials blare "be the best you ever".Oprah promises me that after decades of obesity,yo-yo-ing on Weight Watchers who knows how may times, they have finally figured it out!
Turbo shakes and gut cleansers and 21 different containers all know the secret formula to a new healthy slimmer trimmer you.
Pardon me s#!t!
"Change your life in 40 days!".
Ain't happening!
Start changing your life today. Lose some weight in 40 days. Okay!
Change is an ongoing process. One that I have to work on....daily. Change is growth!If we are not growing we are in fact dying!
It will not come in a pill or a tonic or by any other voodoo. It takes work . It takes commitment.It takes effort and it takes a lot of energy.
I have been in network marketing.I love the atmosphere. The hoopla, the loud music, the inspirational and motivational speeches. It's an awesome energy.
What happens when the music stops? 
What happens when the rah rah is missing?
What happens when you are alone?
I'll tell you what happens.....
Nothing unless you are willing to roll up your sleeves, pull up your big boy pants and get to work!
Darren Hardy hit he nail on the head today. 
Get Pissed!
Take control of your life!
Whatever my situation is I have no one to hold accountable other than myself!
It's not mommy and daddy's fault.It's not my teacher's fault.It's not my religious upbringing. It's not my old boss or some grand plan that the Universe has cursed me with.
It is my responsibility to make myself anything I want to be. It is my responsibility to build the life I want. Lose the weight,grow my fortune,find my passion. It's on me.
No one brings me opportunity. I am surrounded by it.
Water,sun,seed and soil .
Go plant your crops!
Okay....I am climbing down from my soap box!
I just really had to get that off of my chest.
Thanks for listening!
Time to be a farmer again.....

Outstanding in my field!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Yes it does feel like one of those kind of days!Nothing urgent. Nothing pressing. So why not do nothing. Mostly because I can't imagine wasting away an entire day without accomplishing something productive. Even if it's just making dinner and doing a few errands or chores. There must be something I can accomplish today so that when the day ends I feel good about having done it.
The other day I wrote about the Golden Circle of life, separating the how from the what and the why we do things. Since then I have come to understand that a big part of my WHY is helping others with their WHY.In many of these cases I become the a part of their WHAT as they explore their WHY.I get things done. I move things forward. I take images and dreams and add meat to them, give them substance ,make them tangible. It excites me. And the greater the challenge, the more I am inspired.
Nothing frustrates me more than paralysis by analysis.
Input is great.Forming a game plan,terrific.
Not putting it into action?
That's just a waste of time and energy!
Earlier this week, I became involved in a project,a business start up. It is not y WHY, that belongs to someone else. However,my WHAT skills are being used to their max which in turn is exciting the hell out of my WHY!
WHY, because I see the WY of those I am involved with coming to life through my WHAT efforts. 
It's very exciting!
I have a feeling that tomorrow, my WHAT skills will be tested a lot as people return from the extended holiday break.
Maybe today is a perfect day to sit back a bit before the onslaught on my time and energy appears.
Not a bad idea!
Shavua Tov!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

January Word of the Month!
As I promised myself, I want to start of the new year with a commitment to continue what I started last year, a word of the month. For the entire month of January no matter what task I am attending to, no matter what bridges need to be crossed or mountains need to be climbed, the word Trustworthy will be at the core.
It just so happens that this is one of the attributes that I hold as an absolute immutable truth.Above almost anything else I find this quality, trustworthiness to be sacrosanct.
When training to be a life coach, on day 1 ,we performed an exercise where we called one person on the phone and asked them to list my top 3 positive qualities. The person I called,had this as one of those three of my attributes.
I would say I pride myself on it, however the truth is I find it to be a quality that comes with humility, not pride.
All too often I have heard someone say "you can trust me!".or "You can count on me!".
In all cases, actions speak louder than words.
I live trustworthy.
In a sense, trustworthy ties in to Mr. Maxwell's word of the day., determination.
These two words often go hand in hand.
There is nothing sexy about being trustworthy. It is a solid word. It is a sturdy word. Sexy.....not so much. 
Yeah....I guess that's why I am so connected to it. 
And I guess there is something even more attractive than sexy.....

Friday, January 1, 2016

I am so grateful for the gift I gave myself when I started writing. And for the greater gift of your support that keeps me writing!
Shabbat Shalom!
"Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they've started."
- David Allen: productivity consultant
Happy New Year's Day!
New Year, New Me.......I'm not so sure.New Year continuing to evolve me? That sounds much more like it!
I love today's quote of the day. It is exactly what has been frustrating me over the last week or so. What is it that I have not attended to as 2015 came to a close? What have I left undone?
The fact of the matter is,what difference does it make? I woke up this morning and the one and only significant change from yesterday to today was the date.Pretty much everything else is the same....steady as she goes!
The day still greeted me with texts from clients.
I weighed in as soon as I got out of bed (we won't even discus that on this How am I doin' Friday!).
I worked out.
I answered more texts,showered,dressed and set about the rest of my day.
It looked a whole lot like yesterday and most of the previous 365 days that were the year that just ended.
Last year I posted a sheet of paper on my bulletin board.
My 3 major goals for 2015.
Over the next couple of days, I will spend some time evaluating how I did at achieving those goals. I may even share that with you. I will also pick 3 more for 2016.
I will get back to you on both of these.
There actually is a whole bunch of new for 2016. They are all by products of the work of 2015.
I launched the blog last night!
Did I just hear a woo hoo?
Next week I will polish it up a bit and learn a whole lot more about how it works and how to use it correctly. In the meantime, check it out and sign up by using the button below!I am totally excited about the possibility of an interactive community built by people who live life in gratitude!
A new year starts with a new month and that affords me the opportunity to start finding 12 new "words of the month".
(Yes...I have them all picked out and there is a theme !)
These are just a couple of "news" for 2016.They are all part of the compound effect of the Journey I began 932 days ago.
So new year , new me ?
I guess everyday brings a new me.....just a little bit better than I was the day before.
Awesome huh!
Now. the Journey continues