Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Christmas Tree of Life

 It did not take very long for the euphoric a state of being I found briefly yesterday to completely dissipate.

Like some sort of Chinese water torture, shortly after my post yesterday, the challenges and issues that seem to accumulate on a daily basis kept dropping in on me.
No tidal waves or monsoons.
Just the constant drip, drip drip, one after another, of more and more annoyances.
They just keep coming.
I constantly reminded myself "David ,these are all manageable. The world is not coming to an end".
Still, the incessant drip, drip, drip keeps building.
I tried to imagine life as a Christmas tree.
The naked tree has a beauty all on it's own.
The fresh smell of pine is always so wonderful.
Then , people add ornaments, carefully placing each one of these delicate jewels in just the right spot.
Bit by bit, this collection of treasures fill up the branches and what started out as beauty is elevated to an even higher place.
This is what life should be.
Added beauty to the original gift of life.
Now, imagine instead of adding ornaments, we added weights to the tree.
Placing more and more upon each bow and limb until the tree collapses under the strain.
That is what we do to ourselves when we allow the nonsense that appears daily weigh us down.
We bend until we break.
It's only natural.
One can be just so strong until our strength eventually gives out.
Well we would never burden a Christmas tree with a bunch of ugly weights.
Why do we do it to ourselves?
Kind of silly if you ask me.
This Christmas Tree of Life image has helped a lot today.
I needed something to remind me that life is just that easy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

No ,it's Not!


It's been almost a month since I last wrote to you.
In my world, that falls under the category of insanity!
I won't offer up any excuses.
There are none.
I will share with you that I have felt unable, unmotivated, unwilling and unenthusiastic about sitting down and sharing.
When asked about it, I have found myself responding with "I'm feeling unsettled".
Unsettled, stressed, disconnected, uninspired ,choose one.
The fact is something was off.
Today, for no apparent reason, everything is okay again.
Today there is clarity.
Today I can breathe.
Today, there is calm.
I heard a commercial on the radio yesterday that led with the statement "Life is hard".
Uh, No, it's not!
In fact, life is pretty easy.
That is when we allow it to be.
The problem is, we (read I) tend to complicate life.
We do things and make choices that leave us feeling like life is in fact hard.
The truth is, it's not.
When I remember that little factoid, it is amazing to me just how simple life can be.
Even more amazing to me is when I remember how easy life is, it makes room for all sorts of possibilities and opportunities.
Today has been a remarkable oasis for me.
Will tomorrow be the same?
I'm not sure.
I also can't worry about that right now.
For now, in this moment, I am willing ,and grateful, to have this moment of clarity, calm and peace in my world.
Here's a word I haven't used in quite a while, Mindset!
It's all about mindset.
Such a basic idea.
So easily forgotten.
So easily dismissed.
So easily let go of.
So wonderful when I remember how powerful it can be.
Have an awesome day!