Wants vs. Needs!
The lesson of yesterday that has stuck with me all weekend long is that there is a huge difference between want and need.We all have things that we want. A new car, the latest gadget,a vacation somewhere really nice,or a caramel mocha latte frappuccino. with two extra shots of espressos and a splash of vanilla.(What ever!)The reality is that none of these are needs.
Needs in the most simple of terms are those things that you absolutely can not live with out. Oxygen is a need.
We need shelter,nourishment ,and water. Without these things our bodies start to shut down and eventually collapse. We need sleep.We need a certain amount of heat.If you ever have the opportunity to watch the show Naked and Afraid you can understand exactly what our most primitive and basic needs are.
Anything else is a want.
My personal situation has me hyper focused lately on making sure that above all else, my needs and the needs of my family are met.On a daily basis,once that is accomplished, I can then set about prioritizing my wants list. Obviously when my basic needs are accounted for, I have more time energy and resources to spend on wants. On those occasions when I am scrambling to meet my needs, my instincts are to go to survival mode. I must at all costs meet these needs before entertaining any thoughts of accomplishing anything else.This primal instinct to gather up the resources for my basic needs can be exhausting.Tunnel vision sets in as that is the only thing I can think about until those needs are met.In those moments,I am as close to my connection to the animal kingdom as I ever wish to be.
Breaking down my existence to these most basic needs is a humbling experience.
It is a very uncomfortable place to exist in and quite honestly, no person should ever have to concern themselves with this.
It does however, provide me with the opportunity to appreciate all that I do have and all that I strive to have above and beyond these basics.
Boston Cream pie is really yummy! When you have no food,an apple can be unbelievably delicious.
When I have an abundance of resources, I tend to lose sight of the line between wants and needs. When my resources are tested,the edge of that razor thin line becomes much sharper. This razor sharp edge leaves scars that even when my situation reverts and my resources are once again abundant,will serve as a reminder of just how fortunate I am to have all that I do.
Shavua Tov!
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