Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Oh Waiter!

I never worked in food services probably because I'm not a good waiter.I hate waiting!
I won't go to a restaurant where I can't be seated right away.If I see someone at one of the close parking spots loading groceries into his car, I won't wait for them to finish. I just drive to the end of the lot and park there instead. (Invariably, they are still futzing around when I walk past them ).Unfortunately, I spend a great deal of time waiting on others.I wait for reports from vendors. I wait for vendors to get around to cutting commission checks. I wait for shipments. I wait for customers to write orders.I wait for other's to make decisions that ultimately effect my life.
And I hate waiting!
Don't even get me started on doctors. As a group, they are the worst at respecting the time of others. How long do they have to be practicing before they figure out just how long an appointment should take? It's seems simple to me. If an exam takes 15 minutes, schedule appointments 20 minutes apart.Imagine how much rent they could save if they didn't have to have a waiting room!
Waiting rooms should be obsolete. I want to go to a doctor who has a no waiting room!
If I ever made a client or customer wait as long as doctors do I wouldn't have that customer much longer.
Ask me to do something and I'm on it.Give me a task and I will let you know exactly what it will take to get it done and then do everything possible to meet that commitment.
I pulled up my driveway late Saturday afternoon after closing up the shop. The mailman was just delivering the mail.Among the plethora of junk mail was a small replacement gas cap for my mower. I took the package,walked into the house ,cut it open and went straight out to my shed . I pulled out the mower,put on my new gas cap and proceeded to cut the lawn. I wasn't waiting. I could have relaxed. It was late in the day. There was always tomorrow. 
I hate waiting!
Empty time is wasted time. Waiting often creates that open time. My basic nature causes a need for me to fill that void.It frustrates me to not be able to accomplish my agenda items as I sit and wait for others to get around to doing what they have committed to do.
I understand that my priorities are just that....mine. Others have their own priorities.Not everyone else works the way I do. Many are oblivious to things that I consider just plain common decency and respect. Answer an email in a timely fashion. When you commit to doing something, see it through and keep others involved aware of time lines.And most of all do what you say you are going to do. Get it done!
Waiting sucks!
Making others wait on me is disrespectful of their time.
I don't like when it happens to me and I feel awful when I do it to others.
Being considerate of my time as well as the time of others is really important to me. Time is just that kind of resource that I can not afford to waste.It is not replenish able. It is finite.Therefore it should be respected.
And for goodness sakes, show up on time!
If you have a meeting at 10 am,20 miles away, you can't leave the house at 9:45!
I may sound like I am ranting a bit too much.Here's what I know. I never sat with someone who as their days on this Earth were winding down ever said, "boy , I wish I had less time!."
Okay, 'nuff said,time to move on with my day. 

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