"That which does not kill us makes us stronger. "-Friedrich Nietzsche
A coaching colleague posted the following on Facebook yesterday :
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger. "
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger. "
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Moments later comments started coming in.Each one was more depressing than the one before it. I had jokingly responded that I must be Superman by now if Mr. Nietzsche is in fact correct.
After reading a number of the posts that ensued, and before running away from the negative noise that was building to a crescendo, I simply posted,nothing " "Makes" us anything. It's all about the choices we make."
I quickly shut down my Facebook tab and got on with my day.
I have since spent the next 24 hours running away from chicken little. I know for a fact that the sky is not falling!
I know for a fact that life is not terrible.
I accept that life comes packed with challenges. It is my choice to view these challenges as opportunities or struggles.
One does not have to have a degree in psychology to know that if I opt to view a challenge as a struggle my day is not going to be very energetic.
My days ,like yours,are filled with challenges.Every time a new one pops up, I remind myself of the simple anagram E.R.O.
For every Event there is a Response and that will determine the Outcome.
When I choose to seek out opportunity, the outcome will always be positive. When I choose to see my challenge as a problem.....well that's a problem!
I choose to build bridges not barricades!
I look for a cure not for a cause.
Doing beats dying every time!
For every possible negative option there is always a positive one.
I remember the "Jersey Strong" campaign after hurricane Sandy.
The radio blared a song that proclaimed that we are stronger than the storm. No way! I saw the devastation of the Jersey shore with my own eyes. We may be stronger since the strong. We certainly were not stronger than the storm
It's all about how we responded!
I suppose Mr. Nietzsche is correct that in the end we are in fact stronger. In my eyes, it I always try to remember that it is not the event itself that MAKES me stronger. It is the response that I choose that strengthens me.
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