Thursday, July 21, 2016

One Step at a Time!

A new "opportunity" crossed my desk yesterday. I use quotation marks to point out that the opportunity while exciting, is so far from being anything more than an introductory conversation .Still,after a couple of very brief emails,I went to bed with an uplifted spirit of "what if." Normally I do not even entertain what if's....I bypass "if only" and skip ahead to "why not".
The why not part is simple. I can't always control the entirety of the opportunity. What I can do is take one "why not" step at a time. 
Why not send that introductory email?
Why not offer up a follow up conversation?
Why not set a definite time and date to follow up?
Why not send a follow up acknowledgement,recap and thank you note?
It's just like climbing a staircase. I never look up at the landing and ask how am I going to get up there?I merely take one step at a time. Sometimes I lean on the hand rail. Sometimes I move more quickly that at other times. Yet it's always one step at a time. Taking my eyes off of that next step,looking even just a few steps ahead, can often lead to unwanted consequences, like missing a step, losing my footing and falling flat on my face.
Here's what I know . If I take 1 step at a time and keep moving forward, I will eventually make it to the top. There can be no other outcome.It really is that simple.
Late last night,after having exchanged an email or two regarding this new opportunity, I suggested some sort of follow up,either face to face or online. I have made a note to follow up on that request later on today. Opening up a doorway to a conversation is only effective if in fact you walk through the door.
I am only human. Of course I look up once in a while to remind myself where I am headed.Why am I walking up  these stairs if not to eventually get somewhere?
 I even look back from time to time to see how far I have come. 
In the end, the only thing that matters and the only thing that will get me to the top of that staircase is to take the next step and then the next and the next and the next.

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