Friday, July 22, 2016

Build the fire!

It's another How Am I Doin' Friday and I am doing great! This is the first Friday in quite a while that has really felt this good. Okay, the Fridays are all the same,. I have chosen to feel good.To greet the day,I was up and in the shower quickly. As I dressed, I got a 9-1-1 call from the Rabbi. He needed an extra body for services. Just as I started my car he cancelled the 9-1-1 as a 10th man had just shown up. 
(I still get points for the effort.)
I loaded up Susan's lunch bag and drove her to the shop. I got Max's lunch together and off he went as well. I had a spirited texting volley with my brother,shot an email off to a friend and hunkered down to start the rest of my day. On my way to my desk I saw today's newspaper on the dining room table. I grabbed the Better Living section and proceeded to knock out 1 of the 2 crossword puzzles that appear daily. I love doing crosswords and have not done one in well over 6 months. I used to do 2 daily. 
What happened to that? 
Life happened!
My mom and dad always had the crossword puzzle and a pen on the table . You walked past,you filled in a word or two. Or you just grabbed the paper,found a quiet spot (possibly the bathroom) and blew through the entire challenge.
Finishing a crossword puzzle in one quick sitting is always so fulfilling.(no pun intended).
Last Friday evening, I sat with my first new Why Weight client in quite a while. It felt really great signing up a new client as well as getting some one started on the road to a healthier happier life.This home team had not had a win in quite a while. On Wednesday, I had the opportunity too start another client and tomorrow, I will assist with two more. When I combine that positive energy with the other opportunities that crossed my plate this week,it diminishes the stress I feel from some of the challenges that I still am searching for answers to.One tiny ember of positivism is enough to build a fire. All I need is that little spark and I know with continued effort I can build a bonfire. 
One tiny spark. I must admit, the last few weeks,my arms got weary from working the bow and drill trying to start my fire once again. The wood was all wet ,the ground was soaked and there just wasn't a stitch of dry tinder to be found.
Today, I have an ember and with care and gentle persuasion I know I can create smoke and eventually a fire.The key is never giving up. Frustration will come and go. Stay the course. Repeat the steps and eventually the fire will get built.
I feel warmer already!
Shabbat Shalom!

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