Listen up!
Before heading out to yet another funeral, I had a brief phone conversation with a potential new vendor.When ever a new relationship begins, their is always great optimism as to the possibilities and potentials that lie ahead.All too frequently, it does not take long before some of the shine comes off of that apple.What I may see as a clear and intelligent path to success,does not always line up with what the people I am working with have in mind as a course of action. Often times I feel deflated and a bit frustrated not understanding how they can't see the exact same opportunity that I see so clearly.Depending on how different our envisioned paths are, that disappointment can become overwhelming.I have often head that to go through life without any scars is a sign that you haven't lived life to its fullest.Let's face it, at times we get knocked down. There are times when we fall down. It's a part of life.None of that matters one iota. It is after all about getting back up.Each and every time I get back up, I find it easier and easier to reframe and move on. Each new scar and scrape is just one more,no big deal. I dust myself off and pick up where I was before the knockdown or fall happened.
After my phone call, I felt myself stumbling towards the ground once again.Within minutes, I caught myself and in a split second, regained my composure and positive outlook, once again dusting myself off and clearing the way towards continuing on my path towards opportunity, albeit a slightly different opportunity than I had originally considered.
No matter how cliche' it sounds,quitters never win and winners never quit.
No matter what else we discussed, the important take away was that he said no less than 3 times "we will talk some more later in the week".
Time to polish up on one of my strongest new skills......listening!
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