The Summer Soldier!
I have been sitting at my desk with my eyes closed for about the last 10 minutes. They are not closed in the "I'm tired" way,more like the "maybe if I shut my eyes this will all go away" kind of way.It has been a challenging morning at best.The Universe in its infinite wisdom,must have shared my challenges somehow with my mentor Darren Hardy. His message today was about getting back up after getting knocked down.This morning had the potential to be one of those "tough to recover from" kinds of mornings.There were times that I even found myself a bit short of breath. Each time I simply stepped back, t closed my eyes,took some deep cleansing breaths and regained my composure.Sometimes I accomplished this in a few seconds and sometimes like just now,it has taken a few minutes.
The good news is that in the past this might have taken days or even weeks.This is one of those changes that I have adopted over the last few years and it serves me well.
This is of particular note since last week, I committed to doing something about my burgeoning weight.
I have indulged way too much over the last 3 months and I am paying the price for that now. My clothes are a little bit tighter than I like. Some don't even fit today. The scale tells me just how far astray I have gone.I'm not talking about a catastrophic shift, just a shift that I am not comfortable with.
I wanted to wait until after our anniversary (which turned out to be a no big deal affair) before addressing my weight. There was a 40 day (length of 1 cycle) window of opportunity that ends just before the High Holidays so the timing felt right. With the exception of a 3 day trip to Las Vegas about half way into this cycle, I felt confident that I could commit myself to staying diligent.
In the past, the stresses and setbacks I have encountered over the last couple of weeks would have ultimately led me to shoving all sorts of unwanted, unneeded and unhealthy foods into my mouth.
That has not happened at all. I have remained focused. I have not even so much as licked a spoon when preparing dinner.
It's been a while since I have done a cycle or even coached someone on the plan.I forgot how challenging it can be. There are mornings when I step on the scale, filled with anticipation only to feel the let down when the number has not moved.Once again, I am happy to report that that let down feeling lasts only a second or two and I am off to start my day.
In the immortal words of Thomas Paine:
"THESE are the times that try men's souls....."
I am glad to report that my soul is just fine!
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