What to do with my day?
For the first time in a month, my Sunday morning returned to "normal". For a number of reasons, my weekly routine of Sunday mornings at the gym and coffee with my cousin has been on hold.It felt good to resume and pick up right where we left off.In case you haven't noticed or haven't mentioned it before, I like routine. I find it comforting not boring.Which is why I find myself in a bit of a quandary today.As we finished up at Starbucks and headed towards the door, I heard myself exclaim,"I have nothing to do today but I don't want to do nothing."There is nothing pressing on my agenda for the day.I have no specific project I want to handle. We have no commitments to e any where or do anything. It would be a great day to just laze around,yet I don't want to just hang around doing nothing. Now before I start getting flooded with possible options, let me say that I have mentally been through them all. Find a park,go to a zoo,see if there are any street fairs or country fairs ,rent some bikes,take a hike,maybe a free concert.....you name it,I've thought about it.Nothing is jumping out at me saying"hey.....that's a great idea!".
It's 8:30 an Susan is still sleeping.Now that the shop is up and running, she takes full advantage of the one or two mornings where she does not have to be out the door by 8 a.m.
The one possibility that keeps coming up for me is a quick trip to the shore.My idea of quick and my wife's idea of quick are two different things. I have been up since 6. For me,a great plan would be jump in the car,stop for a coffee,and head to the shore. If we left at 9,by 10:30 we would be laying on the beach. 3 hours on a blanket with a good book and then call it a day. Maybe grab a quick lunch and then head home. Nice! By 4 or 4:30 we would be pulling up the driveway, feed the dogs and start preparing dinner (we absolutely have to shop .....I couldn't make anything but tuna or egg salad with what's here now).
Do I wake her or let her sleep?
If I went in and roused her from her sleep, I know that it would still be well over an hour before we headed out the door, Closer to 2 hours. That would significantly change the timing of the day. Now things like crowds and traffic come into play. So you see, what I envision as a perfect scenario suddenly is not as appealing.
What to do?
I know what happens next......I become unsettled in having not seized the day. No other options seem attractive to me. I get frustrated. I become bored. I start grazing and searching for food. Nothing feels comfortable or comforting. By evening, I feel as if my entire day was wasted and that is one hell f a way to head into the work week.
(I can feel the anxiety building in me even as I write this).
So can you see my predicament?
I am not exactly sure how this will pan out.The good thing is that I have at least acknowledged all of this . Hopefully my awareness will ultimately open doors to some other possibilities and more choices.
I'll let you know how this all works out!
Shavua Tov!
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