Tuesday, August 9, 2016

BUMPS on the road of life!

My day started out completely differently than yesterday.After pulling myself out of what was beginning to feel like complete paralysis yesterday, I was determined to keep moving today.First item on my agenda for the day was cutting the grass.Before driving Susan to the shop,I was out attacking the back yard. It was just after 7 in the morning. Once I returned home and got Max out the door, I went to work on the front yard. When I finished that task, I took a short break,grabbing a cup of coffee (yes I drink a lot of coffee),and thinking about what ever was next on my agenda. I was looking for useful things to accomplish today. It was then that I began having a conversation with myself. 
Yesterday,in an attempt to break the shackles of the paralysis I was experiencing, I found all sorts of busy work to do.
  Proverbs 16:27-29"Idle hands are the devil's workshop".
Note what I engaged in was "busy" work.
It was not necessarily useful work.

I have a good friend and vendor who often signs off his emails with:

"Don't confuse motion with progress"
-Alfred A. Montapert-

Today, I wanted to be useful not just busy.
 After a quick call from my brother, an opportunity to be of assistance to him presented itself.Having made myself useful earlier by cutting the grass, I jumped at the chance for yet another opportunity to be "useful".
I quickly jumped in the shower and it was there that I had my a-hah! moment of the day. There is a big difference between busy work and useful work. There is an even bigger difference between useful work and productive work.
Busy work is motion.
Useful work is accomplishing.
Productive work is moving forward.
All are immensely better than paralysis,however in the grand scheme of things ,productive work is the most satisfying. And for the purpose of making my anagram work,massively productive is the ultimate goal.
My anagram around this is B.U M. P.
Massively Productive
I call this the BUMPs on the road of life!
Cute huh!
For any of my coaching or motivational speaker friends who care to steal this ,I mean incorporate this, into their offering please feel free! 
It's a fairly simple way of looking at things. There are times when I realize I am just keeping myself busy. That's okay. As I inferred by my quote from proverbs, nothing good comes from inactivity.
When I have the opportunity to make myself useful, to lend a hand or to complete a task, that's what we call a win win.
When I am productive,.......wow! That's game changing. Being massively productive is what ultimately creates the Woo Hoo moments of life.
And as we all know 
 is better than 
and they absolutely are trumped by 

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