Sunday, August 28, 2016

Thy will be done?

Like nails on a chalk board , the phrase Thy Will Be Done, has been making me squirm for the last few days.Someone in my life, has taken this on as their mantra and pathway to a better tomorrow. 
Game plan? 
There is none.
Course of action?
 Personal responsibility?
Blind faith and belief that repeating the phrase"Thy will be done" at every turn in the road seems to be the road map to success.
Personally,  that just doesn't work for me.
Do I believe in some Universal force that will bring to me all that I want?
Universal force?
Will it bring anything to me?
No......I don't think so.
I believe deep in my heart,that if I am open to the Universe and all of its abundance,I can have all that I desire.
Not however,without some effort on my part.
If I want to lose weight, I have to change my lifestyle,my food protocols and of course my attitude.
If I want to get in shape,I have to develop some sort of exercise routine and commit to following it.
If I want to learn about a particular field, I must study and find the resources to educate myself.
And if I want to garner all of the marvelous gifts that The Universe has for me,I must be open to it, develop a plan of action and commit myself to the Journey.
Sitting idly by and waiting for His will?
That's like hoping to win the lottery without buying a ticket!
I understand,that for many,the belief in His will is the foundation of life.
That's terrific and I say,good luck with that.
Personally, I tend to gravitate towards "the Lord helps those who help themselves". 
It may not be a biblical concept. That's okay.......I think it actually predates the bible.
I think it is the reality of The Universe.

Shavua Tov!

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