August Word of the Month:Cheerful
As I sat here typing in the August word of the month, I found myself asking if in fact Cheerful is the word of the month shouldn't I be smiling? Cheerful isn't just a word,it's an attitude.Cheerful is an adjective meaning :noticeably happy and optimistic. Key word being noticeably!A second definition is: causing happiness by its nature or appearance.I can't say that I exude cheerfulness.I know people that do and so do you. You know who they are. They are the folks who light up a room the minute they walk in. You smile the minute they show up and often continue smiling after they have left.There is just something about them that's different. It always starts with an infectious smile.
If I say Goldie Hawn,the first image that comes to mind is that huge smile.If you Google her name a whole bunch of smiling images appear.That's what I think of when I think about cheerful.
I'm a nice guy. I'm a pleasant person. I have a way about me that is endearing to people.I worked with someone who used to say I had a Jesus effect when I walked in to a situation. I brought a sense of calm and order with me. I have never been accused of being cheerful and to be honest,that makes me sad.
I want to be cheerful damn it!
I deserve to be cheerful!
Why am I not cheerful?
Of course I'm just being silly.Cheerful is a choice.As my brother is fond of saying "choose happy". It is entirely up to me to choose cheerful.
I think I'll give it a shot....
August is my Choose to be cheerful month!
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