Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Right choice!

When I came home from the gym this morning Susan was still sleeping,a much needed rest after a long week. I decided that since I was up I would shoot over to the synagogue to take care of some business as well as attend morning services. As life would have it, I was the tenth man . Towards the end of services, this Sunday group adds a melody that we do not do during the rest of the week. This is not the first time I have found myself there on a Sunday morning,so I wasn't caught off guard as I had been in the past.While hanging up my tallis as services were winding down my eyes wandered around the room. 
Wednesdays are my "regular" shul days. We have a core community that shows up every week,much like the core community that shows up on Sundays. In fact, there are core groups that are committed to showing up each on their own specific day.When you think about it,it's a truly marvelous experience.
 I watch and I observe. 
A good percentage of these committed individuals are there for one reason and one reason only. They made a commitment.Yes there are those who are there to pray. I am not one of them.I go every Wednesday morning because I have made a commitment to go. Each and every one of the men in that room on a daily basis have made a similar commitment.
Today I realized that being a "regular" of the Wednesday community, makes me an integral part of this larger community. I have attended services on each day of the week at some point and although the service is the same, the room has a different flavor depending on which day of the week it is.Different personalities make for a different atmosphere. The thing I found so remarkable and endearing today was that as a Wednesday guy, I was right at home on Sunday morning.
For the record, there are no brownie points for showing up. Making this commitment does not garner a pass to the front of the line when we reach the pearly gates.There is no merit badge that comes along with this choice.
There is a sense that this is the right thing to do and that my friends is good enough for me!
Shavua Tov!

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