Monday, August 22, 2016


After a night of driving rain last night, the oppressive heat spell that we have been experiencing for the last few weeks has passed,at least for the time being. The sun is shining and there is a cool strong breeze blowing. All in all it is quite pleasant outside, almost sweater weather.It's the kind of weather I can certainly get used to!
Besides the fact that I cut the grass just before the rains came, the "landscape" of my life has not changed much since last week. I still have most of the challenges that beset me when the week ended. As a matter of fact, after a night of oft interrupted and unsettled sleep,my day was actually greeted with a few more unanticipated hurdles to leap over. 
The good news is that the weekend provided a break in the action in which I was able to catch my breath.Without any major changes other than in my attitude, I am much calmer today than I was for the majority of the past week. The challenges are still mighty. The mountains that must be climbed are no lower this week than they were last week.Still , I seem much more under control than I had been .
Maybe it was the weekend off?
Maybe it's the cooler temperatures?
Maybe it's the strong breeze , a sign of the winds of change?
Maybe the why doesn't even matter?
Maybe it's just okay to start the week off with a deep cleansing breath!
 Maybe It's okay to dust myself off,get myself set and head off down the road of life with an attitude earmarked for success(whatever that may look like?)!
As my quote of the day reminded me,"I never really wanted a perfect life.....just one that's happy".
Or maybe just maybe a perfectly imperfect life is just fine as long as I am happy!

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