Sunday, August 14, 2016

525,600 minutes. 

As I sat at my desk thinking about what I might want to write about today, this song was playing on Pandora.How appropriate!How much time do I waste stressing about things .? How much time do I spend worrying? How much time do I spend not being happy?There are only 525,600 minutes in a year. And at 61 how many more years are there? At any age, why waste any?
Since early Friday morning, I have become more and more aware of how far I have strayed from happy.I catch myself more often than not, however,why am I going away from happy in the first place. 
One reason is that it is just so damn easy. Turn on the news.Pick up a newspaper. Listen to talk radio.Nothing happy going on there. Social media? Hah!
Darren Hardy said something earlier in the week. I can't remember it exactly but my take away was miserable people spend their time talking about other people,unhappy people talk about things, and truly positive people talk about dreams and ideas.
I'm sure that is not exactly what he said. That's what is coming up for me.
Earlier today I was thinking about the upcoming week. I was reviewing a mental check  list of people I will connect with. Each and everyone brings a unique challenge and opportunity to me. I can't control any of that. All I can do is show up.
All I can be is a light.
Sometimes I am a guiding light. 
Sometimes I am a night light and some times I am a beacon to hone in on.
Every once in a while I get to be a shining star.
My responsibility to myself is to remember that I am a light and to be as bright as I possibly can for any and all  I may come in contact with .
Shavua Tov!

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