Wednesday, July 14, 2021

When did this happen

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
Khalil Gibran

 Listening to the radio on my way home yesterday, the radio personality was talking about a recent survey done in the U.S

70% of people surveyed said they were afraid to go back to work post quarantine.
54% said they would want some sort of therapy before heading back to work.
Am I nuts or what?
I can't imagine how we ever could have got passed The Great War, The Spanish Flu, The Great Depression, WWII or any other challenge we as Americans faced if this was the attitude of our country.
In the immortal words of Tony Soprano, "what ever happened to real men like Gary Cooper".
Maybe I'm just cut from a different cloth.
When a challenge arises, I always take it on.
I walk directly into the eye of a storm.
When did the Land of the Brave become the Home of the Wusses?
Thankfully, I am on the back 9 of my life.
I can't imagine what will become of us if we continue walking in fear.
It's a sad thing.
Ryan O'Neal in Love Story is like Rambo compared to Americans today.
Gone are the tough guys.
The can do attitude that I grew up with has been replaced by maybe we shouldn't, as if someone's feeling may get hurt.
We never would have landed on the moon with today's values.
I grew up with the adage "chew nails and spit rust'
Nowadays it's eat sushi and s#!t your pants!
It's high time we stopped this nonsense and pulled up our panties and took on life instead of hiding from it.
Saddle up, strap ourselves in and repeat after Bruce Willis....
Yippee ki yay Mother F#@kers!

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