Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Slip Sliding Away

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Thomas Jefferson

 And just like that, it's 5 o'clock.

Where did the day go?
After treating myself to a long overdue haircut this morning, I have spent the rest of my day cutting, pasting, down loading and uploading 100's of items into the POS system.
With the exception of a brief meeting with our credit card processing company, I have spent the entire day in front of my computer.
If I had not looked at the time, I would have never stopped and hence, would have completely missed writing today.
I suppose this is a good thing.
For the most part, I have conquered the in's and outs of data entry for the POS.
A good part of what I am doing now is cleaning up what I didn't do in the early days of setting this up.
There is also a lot of fine tuning and double checking to be done.
It is tedious and time consuming.
I am also coming across a lot of "duh's" on my part.
Still better caught now then later (or never).
By the end of the week, I will have every bit of the product we have ordered in the system.
A major accomplishment on my part if I do say so myself.
Next up, pricing every thing that's on the floor and getting the shelves merchandised.
12 days until we open.
12 in the Christmas song!
Ho Ho Ho!

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