“To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done.”
Brian Tracy
When I left the shop on Saturday, I was considering taking the day off on Sunday.
My agenda for the day was light.
The only thing on my schedule was to drive Sara and Patrick to the airport.
I considered stopping in to use the computer on my way back from dropping them off.
That would have been the smart thing to do and would have afforded me the opportunity to keep up with my writing.
Instead, I drove straight home, which in hindsight, I am not sure was a good or bad idea.
I got home around 9:30 and chose to lay down for a few minutes.
An hour later I woke up freezing.
I climbed under the covers and the next thing I knew it was almost 1p.m.
I made my way to the couch where again I fell asleep for another hour.
At 2 I forced myself to sit upright.
At 3 ,I made myself something to eat and put dinner up in a crock pot.
For the next 3 hours I did little other than sit staring at the tv as Susan watched her beloved Yankees blow yet another one against the dreaded Boston Red Sox.
The a/c was blowing at full tilt while I was dressed in sweats and a hoodie.
To say I felt crummy would be an understatement.
I felt like crap!
There are times when I just need to listen to what my body is telling me.
Yesterdays message was a simple one.
Just stop everything.
The world won't fall apart if you take the day.
The Earth will continue to spin and the Sun will rise again the next day.
It's just that simple.
And now it's Monday.
The Sun is shining and once again the temperatures are soaring into the 90's.
My body is still pretty achy, but heck, that's normal nowadays.
I can't say for sure what yesterday was about.
I can say with complete confidence that doing nothing was the best choice I could have made.
Shavua Tov!
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