Monday, July 19, 2021


“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise”
Oscar Wilde

 It was 6:30 this morning when my phone started ringing.

3 call in a row.
All from the same person.
Thankfully, my phone was on the other side of the house and I made the very conscious choice to not answer it.
Whatever it was and whom ever it was could wait.
I made myself less accessible.
Since moving my computer to the shop, that part of my work day starts when I get to the office and ends when I leave the office.
10 hours a day is a large enough window to operate in.
I no longer have the need or desire to be accessible 24/7/365.
It has not been an easy transition.
For years, I was on duty for way too many hours each day.
It's a hard habit to break.
I still live in a world where I work with people in different time zones.
Then again, nothing is so time sensitive in what I do that it can't wait until I am back at my desk, even if it means answering someone the next day.
I am sure that given enough time, I will become more and more comfortable with this disconnect.
I dare say, I may even find that I look forward to it.
In the meantime, it's still a big change that I am just starting to get used to.
Change is a good thing.
I have to keep reminding myself of that!

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