Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Position: Data Entry

 "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou

The ad would have read "immediate opening: Data entry, no experience necessary".

That's the job I find myself tackling today and probably for some time ahead of me.
Late in the day yesterday, Becca and I decided it was time to deal with the ominous cloud that was hanging above our heads, how to use the POS system.
By late afternoon yesterday, both of us found that we were in a quiet place.
This certainly was an unfamiliar feeling.
However, it seemed like an opportune time to tackle this next project.
We started around 5 p.m.
4 hours later, we kind of figured out the ins and outs of importing and uploading data into the system.
4 hours!
And no blood shed!
I am actually a little astonished and dare I say proud that we accomplished this.
We also realized that it is a cumbersome process and a good part of that process is manual data entry.
So here I sit going through the first 121 items we uploaded late last night.
121 out of approximately 2000 items that we will have to repeat this process over and over again before we can open our doors.
I will have this first batch finished by late afternoon.
Hopefully , our vendors can get us the spreadsheets with the basic information that we need to create step 1 of the upload and input process.
Then it's just simple data entry.
It's good to have a purpose in life!

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