Friday, July 23, 2021


"What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve."
Napoleon Hill

 I never was a T.G.I.F. kind of guy.

As someone who is accustomed to working 6 or 7 days a week, the weekend meant very little to me.
One thing I have noticed lately is that the rest of the world seems to start to pump their collective brakes as the weekend approaches.
In turn, there just seems to be a whole lot less scurrying and scampering about.
The residual effect of this is that my life seems a whole lot more settled on Fridays.
I find myself to be less on edge and more clear minded.
My choices and decisions on Fridays are more thought out and certainly less reactive.
A by-product of this is that the forward planning for the upcoming week starts much earlier ,in a calmer fashion, than it has in the past. Normally, sometime Saturday night or more often than not, early Sunday morning, my mind would start racing. scrambling for the following weeks game plan.
Things just seem easier lately.
It's 9:30 on a Friday morning and my desktop has already been organized and cleared of the clutter from the week that was. That's just simply amazing to me.
If I was a shut it down the weekend's here kind of guy, I would be half way out the door by now. Instead, I now have a clear mind and calm approach towards the rest of my day as well as the upcoming week.
As they say....T.G.I.F !
Shabbat Shalom!

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