"Sometimes you get the results you wanted, sometimes you don't. What matters is that you did your best."
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
As I was pulling into my driveway, after putting in what has become my normal 11 hour day, it suddenly dawned on me that I never wrote to you yesterday.
I can't believe that I did that.
I considered putting my car in reverse at that point and heading back to the shop where I could use my computer.
Of course that would have meant that my family would have had to wait until after 8:30 to eat dinner . That would not have been optimal, however I did think about it for more than just a minute or two!
Early that morning, I had thought about taking a few minutes to write.
Given it was so early in the day, I felt I would be better served getting some work started first.
It's not that anything on my agenda was all that urgent, however I wanted to get my day started in a productive fashion.
I feel like things are in a very precarious place right now.
The transition from our old location to our new home has not gone as smoothly as we had hoped, mostly due to unavoidable and unexpected staffing challenges.
The Petcare Market is at that point where we must push daily to get to the point where we can open for business next week. as long as we stay at it, there should be no reason that we can not meet our goal of next Tuesday to be ready to go.
Obviously, sitting at my desk and taking time to write early on a Tuesday morning was not going to help us in reaching that goal.
After 11 hours of dotting I's and crossing T's, one after another after another, I had simply forgotten to write.
as I said, I can't believe I did that!
In hindsight, I think what this means is that we are in a really good place.
we are close.
The only impediment to us not being ready would be losing our focus.
That is something that I just won't let happen.
Time to get back at it!
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