Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Like a normal person

So this is what normal might feel like.
There are no contractors scurrying about.
The stench from the paint has dissipated.
There are no fires to be put out.
The groomers are grooming.
Becca is Becca-ing , meaning she is able to calmly begin taking on the full time duties of running this place without being torn in 50 different directions.
A friend has jumped in and is quietly going about the business of merchandising the shelves. (She's awesome!).
I have caught up with entering all of the invoicing I have into the POS.
I didn't have to pick up any day labor today.
My handy man is not here so my attention isn't being diverted as it so often is as we tackle one project after another.
It's calm.
Almost serene.
The mechanic from Blinds to Go installed the shade in my office so the oppressive sun no longer beats down on me all day long.
Our walkie talkies came so we can now communicate from one room to another.
Life is good.
Life feels normal.
It almost seems foreign to me.
I feel like a normal person.
That's kind of nice.
I might even be able to get used to feeling like this!


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