Sunday, July 11, 2021

Good-Bye Rochelle Park

 “It’s never too late to dream, to learn, or to change.”


It was just around 5:30 Saturday evening when Susan locked the door behind Cooper and his human.

Cooper was the last dog to be groomed at The Grooming Shoppe in our Rochelle Park location.
Rochelle Park was our home for 5 years,2 months, and 5 days.
It was a good home.
A very good home.
Now it's basically empty.
With the exception of our fish tank ,some cabinets and some small odds and ends, all that's left for us to do in our old space is a good cleaning before we say or final farewell.
The new space is almost ready to start doing business.
The plumber is due in here tomorrow to get one tub up and ready.
Our entire staff will be here for a setup luncheon sometime in the early afternoon.
We will spend the morning attending to a fairly extensive check list before the building inspector gets here to hopefully give us the go ahead to open Tuesday morning.
The Grooming Shoppe will be ready for that.
The Petcare Market still needs a bit of work.
There is a lot of product to get onto the shelves and uploaded into the POS system.
I am fairly confident that a week from now, we can soft open that side of the business as well.
Lots and lots to still get done.
Having everyone in here and being under one roof will go a long way in helping to get us moving along.
It's been one hell of a journey so far.
Certainly not done, however a whole lot further down the road.
Shavua Tov!

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