Sunday, February 28, 2016

You arrogant S.O.B. !

It feels good to be home . This trip was different than most.It has been a very long time since I have found myself in the place I am today,starting over.....from what feels like scratch. New lines,new products new firms .It is a bit daunting. The good news is that I know I am up to the challenge.Years of experience have blessed me with the tools and skill set to make this work. The one word that keeps coming around for me is commitment.On day 1 of this Journey, the word commitment was at the center of all that I was hoping to achieve.Commitment is doing what you set out to accomplish long after the mood you said it in has left you.Last night as I tossed and turned , trying to grab a few hours of sleep, the word arrogance kept popping up for me as well.
After the show closed yesterday, I made my way back to my hotel, grabbed a bite to eat and went  back to my room.....alone. A few hours later, I went back down to the restaurant to grab a coffee and dessert. Heck, I earned it ....I had worked hard and put in some long days. Seated in the restaurant were colleagues who were all employees of other firms in the industry. I decided to sit and join them for a few minutes. Their checks came and they all started the process f figuring out who owed what and how they were going to submit their respective expense reports. The process and all that went int it felt a bit tedious to me. 
They all have bosses they must answer to. They all have expense reports that will have to be filled out. They all have guidelines and protocols they must adhere to.As an independent contractor,I answer to me. I pay those bills out of my pocket.Sometimes I am fortunate enough to be able to pass on some of my expenses to vendors I work with. For the most part,it is all on me. I answer to me. I make my decisions based on my fortunes.There are times when cost is no object. And then there are days where the free breakfast is the best meal of the day.And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Is that arrogance? No not really. It was a choice I made a long time ago. I chose to follow a certain path. I knew I was an entrepreneur.I understood that my fortune or lack their of would be in direct proportion with my success at any given point in time. 
Today, I am rebuilding those fortunes. I am creating new opportunities. I am blazing a trail to a new income stream.
Arrogance......or insanity!
It's just what I do!

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