Another calm before another storm!
I have put my anger at rest for the day today.Actually,I put it away last night. On a night when we were supposed to go out socially for the first time in a very, very, very long time, Susan became ill. The obvious choice was to bail on our plans, and whisk her off to bed for a decent night's rest.We had a planned business engagement for Sunday morning and she wanted to be at her best for this.The anger that had fueled my day was inappropriate as a source of energy now. Instead, caretaker mode kicked in ,a role that required a calmer more empathetic state of being. I have chosen to maintain that state of calm today, knowing full well that tomorrow I must once again tap into yesterday's energy.
No one is making me angry.
My anger which I will summon once again tomorrow, is an energy source that I believe is necessary for me to break free of the doldrums and malaise that has me shackled to my current situation.I wish I had the personal strength and intestinal fortitude to light my own fire without the aid of my anger. Someday, that may be possible. For today,or more precisely tomorrow, it will have to suffice as a most valuable asset.
There are many examples of potentially dangerous sources of energy put to good use that come to mind.
Nuclear energy is a product of such a dangerous source.
Controlled explosions cut pathways through mountains enabling us to build roads in otherwise un-passable terrains.
Radiation, which can be deadly,when used properly, is used in medical tests and treatments that save countless numbers of lives.
And so it is with anger. I must harness the energy that if left unchecked can be so destructive, and use it proportionately to help me find a better place and a better way to be.
It scares me.
It should.
Yet I trust in my abilities and my gifts .
I trust that I will now how to manage my use of this emotion and turn it into a most positive experience.
Shavua Tov!
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