Thursday, February 4, 2016

Add or subtract?

I have a number of clients who have either just hit their 100 day mark or are approaching it in the next few days. I mention this because as you may remember my Journey started out as a commitment to 100 days.I commend each and every one of them . I know how hard that commitment was. I know how far off 100 days seemed when they began.I am always encouraged and gratified to look back and see where their journeys began and where they are at day 100. We have developed relationships over those 100 days. Weight loss along with all sorts of other transformations. Birthdays celebrated, births, deaths, illnesses , accidents vacations, and holidays have all been celebrated with my new friends, none of whom I have ever met.I imagine they have no idea how much I enjoy accompanying them , even for this brief while, along the way.
I also noticed that there are two different distinct groups of 100 day counters,those who count up from 1 and those who count down from 100.Interestingly enough, those who count up are more inclined to keep in touch beyond the 100 day milepost. More often than not I just get a text reading Day 101,102 103 and so on. The people who count down from 100 invariably follow up with"now what?"
In many cases, there is down right confusion and fear for these folks.For over 3 months they were heading towards a very finite specific finish line.Now that they have arrived they have often neglected one of 2 things if not both. Number 1 is they did not prepare themselves for the inevitable tomorrow. With their heads down they worked diligently at making it to the finish line. Little do they realize that once they get to that point, they are truly at a crossroads in how to keep going.Good food choices or bad food choices. Choose the road to good health or the one that eventually circles back to where they began.It's easy to understand the fear, confusion and apprehension they now face.
The other big miss is something I remind each and every client on Day 2.....enjoy the Journey! With your eyes laser focused on the finish line, we tend to miss or ignore all that is transforming and transpiring around us.Rarely does this group acknowledge or even remember where they came from and what it has taken to get to where they are. They have literally spent 100 days focused on one thing and one thing only....getting done! One day at a time, they have subtracted and subtracted and subtracted to a net result of day 1....which if you follow that course eventually leads to what's next.
Yep 1 less day and you are at zero!
The other counters are always adding to as they Journey. They are gatherers.They collect days, experiences and knowledge. By Day 100 there arms and back packs are filled. More often than not, they just keep on keepin' on, collecting more days of good health. Collecting more days of good eating choices. And collecting more and more of the memories and treasures that have come their way on this Journey.
I'm an up counter.My editor and I have set a marker for a cutoff point for the first book. It will be day 1000!For those who are interested, that will be March 18th.I checked my calendar and sadly I will be away from home on that day. As a matter of fact I will be gone the entire week leading up to it and for a few days beyond. By the time I return home for the gala celebration....well it will be day 1003 and I will be well on my way,continuing this Journey to who knows where!
That's what I like about being an up counter. There are no endings only new roads to be traveled and more adventures to be had.
See you all down the road a bit!

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