March Motivational Word of the Month: HELPFUL |
My mentor Darren Hardy shared a message with me today that he had actually used just about 1 year ago.The reason I remember it so well is that it was life changing for me.At the time, I was stressed out beyond belief.I was pacing and wringing my hands, down on myself for being a failure and in general existing in a very dark cold and evil place.Stress was my daily agenda.My face was twitching, I wasn't sleeping and I was pretty much a basket case. His advise at that time was simple.....get over yourself! He went on to lay out 4 simple steps to relieve that stress. Since then, I have found myself going back to this time and time again. Fortuitously Darren sent these 4 steps out again today in his daily message.I was at a loss in my attempts to get back on a roll.My days were becoming a continuum of starts and stops. The compound effect of repeating small changes over and over and over, was eluding me (I may have been looking for that one big swing and it just wasn't happening!). The Universe ,conspiring with my mentor, must have felt my frustration and sent me this tap on the shoulder. Below are the 4 simple steps.I am sharing them with you to remind myself just how important they are to me. I know that I am on it like white on rice today!
Jot down what's stressing you out right now.
And do these 4 steps:
1. Just DO the stuff you've putting off (and stop whining about it). 2. Don't take yourself so dang seriously (nobody else is). 3. Stop trying to control everything (that's why they call you a "freak" behind your back). 4. Just do what you can, accept what you can't (and move the hell on).
Oh and don't for get to B...R...E...A...T...H...E
It's all not that important.
End the cycle of madness:
You can't change the past, and you ruin the present by worrying about the future.
Just do what you can, accept what you can't and move on.
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