Monday, February 8, 2016

The stuff of champions!

Sometime early on in yesterday's Super Bowl, Hakim Talib was called for an unsportsmanlike penalty. When they showed the replay, there it was, these two combatants,barking and snarling at each other on the sidelines.Like angry dogs showing their teeth,their nostrils flared and bodies stiffened as their helmets ,like facial leashes,kept them apart.Flags came flying and the referees stepped in to break to up.

Now comes the moment of choice for Mr. Talib. 
Do I let my emotions get the better of me or do I take a step back and understand exactly where I am and what is at stake?
Emotions run high during the game.If unchecked,they will consume you like a raging fire.If harnessed and used to our advantage,they can provide the energy to accomplish what others can only dream of.
I can only imagine the internal conversations that this modern day gladiator was now having with himself.
Was he beating himself up for what was obviously a stupid penalty?
Was he questioning his reaction ,double guessing what I am sure at the time felt like the necessary response? 
Was he fearful that his indiscretion may have cost his team in a big way?
No one knows other than Mr. Talib. I do know that he spent the rest of the game, doing all that he could to control his exuberance.He knew how important his role in this game was and understood that he,nor his team , could afford to let his lack of control tear apart all that they had worked for up to that point.

And so it is in the game of life.
There are times that we get angry. There are times when are emotions run amok. There are times when we are on the verge of potentially self destructive behavior.It is in that moment when winners are born. It is in that moment when the game changes. It is in that moment when we choose to become champions.
That's how Mr. Talib has a new ring coming this year. That's how Mr. Talib chose to use his energy. That's why Mr. Talib,for the rest of his days,no matter what, will be able to say he is a Super Bowl Champion.
Today, I will harness that anger that spilled out on Saturday. I will understand my role and how important it is to me and my family, my team.I will harness that same energy from Saturday and make the choices I need to insure that my team ends up victorious.
I act like a champion!

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