Time to get moving!
Finding up beat and energetic has been a chore today.I am not 100% sure what that is about. It is making for a pensive How Am I Doin' Friday and that's not exactly my favorite state of being.Hard as I try to shift my energy, I don't seem to be having much success.I am sure a big part of it is tied into something I have little control over at the moment. Knowing that will eventually kick in and I will let go and move on.Last night I watched the end of the Bernie Maddoff special.While I am in no way minimizing the devastation he brought to countless numbers of individuals, I was particularly fascinated by the end.After all that happened, losing every thing he had,all $50 billion ,his family ,and his freedom , one of his final thoughts was that in the end,he just accepted what is. The stress and pressures of years of trying to manipulate that which ultimately was out of his control, were all gone.He had found a form of zen....as odd as that may be.
When I stop tearing away at myself ,struggling to rectify things that I have no domain over I am peaceful.Foolishly,today I am not at peace. Try as I might, I will not find peace in the refrigerator, in the bread box, or in a kitchen cabinet. Nor will I find it at Quick Check ,7-11 or WAWA. Understanding that will help me keep from adding undue pressure on myself and beating myself up for poor food choices.
That which is at the crux of my struggle today has no immediate fix or answer. Like someone peering over your shoulder, I can't just ignore it.I just want to be able to not let it bother me. I have some thoughts and actions that can be taken to move beyond this. Engaging in them, even when there will be no immediate relief or fix ,will still help me make that much needed shift in my attitude.
Sometimes,motion,specifically guided motion, is enough to bring about change.
Time to get a move on!
Shabbat Shalom!
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