Thursday, February 18, 2016

That's Yichis baby!

Today's word of the day is the Yiddish word Yichis. It comes
from the Hebrew root words YOD-HET-SAMECH, (YHS), which can mean "to relate to", or
"in relation to".
I first hear this word in a sermon the Rabbi of our congregation gave many years ago. In a more colloquial meaning,he explained that by having studied under a great  scholar, one would have "yichis". In my synagogue, being the son of Vivian and Arnold, comes with yichis.Depending on the degrees of separation, I suppose determines just how much yichis one has.
Today,I have yichis!
About 6 years ago, I was introduced to some folks and we became fast friends. We did a business deal together. We spent the Jewish holidays with them They opened up their home to us and the families became close in a very short period of time. We are separated by an ocean and rarely get to see each other. We keep in touch and when we do have the opportunity to spend time with each other, it's as if we had seen them yesterday. Whenever I pick up the phone they answer and I am sure that when they reach out, I am there for them as well.
We are friends. Normal every day "hey buddy" type of people.
It never dawned on me,that these ordinary people who so easily befriended not only me but my entire family,are not so ordinary In fact they are kind of extraordinary.
How extraordinary?

Watch this video!

How cool was that!
Congratulations Tim and the entire Angel's that I am proud to be a part of!
That's what they call yichis!

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