Wednesday, February 17, 2016

It's been a hard night's day!

It's 4 in the morning. I have been sitting at my desk working for over an hour., not because I have so much work to do. Simply I could not sleep.I decided paying attention to some of the things racing through my mind was better than laying in bed tossing and turning and trying to come to terms with them.
The tough part is on Wednesday's my day typically starts at 5:30 as I head out to the gym early,in time to be in shul by 7 for services.Today that will be exacerbated by an afternoon that already has a pretty full slate,there by causing a time crunch this morning.
The day has 24 hours to it just like any other. My challenge once again is how to make the most out of them.This challenge is coupled with the gift of no sleep which I have now bestowed upon myself.
I could cancel my gym trip.That would buy me an hour of sack time. I could bail on shul today. That would buy me another hour plus.I also know I would feel like crap if I made either of those choices.
I thin what I will do,is go and try get an hour nap right now. I'll get back to you later as my day progresses if that's okay with you?
Actually, I just received my Darren Daily so I reviewed that and I have posted it below. I also paid some bills . Now I will head off and try to grab a few winks!
(Be back at you later!)
It's now 7 p.m.My 5:30 workout partner never quite made it so I grabbed an extra 30 minutes of sleep and started my day around 5:45. I have not stopped running until just now.
I rearranged my morning and did my workout from 9:15 til 10:30.Then a quick haircut,shower before the mayhem broke loose.It turned out to be a very busy day. Quite honestly............I think I am done!
I could sit here and think of something to write about (although as far as a train of thought, I don't have one at the moment.I could regroup and try and figure out what did not get done today and maybe even take a shot at some of it.Or I can just say good night to you and grab a cup of coffee,relax and head off to bed.

Good Night!

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