Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Oh No!

"Good morning skinny!" was the greeting I heard when I walked into shul this morning. I smiled and muttered "you mean fatso"!  My friend did not know when he genuinely and enthusiastically spoke to me was that my day had started with the startling realization that I no longer fit into my skinniest pants!
I was feeling fat!
Truth be told, even when I wore them, they really did not fit properly. I kind of squeezed into them.Today, squeezing would have needed the jaws of life.I imagine if I had done the lay down on the bed and suck your belly in thing I might....note might, have been able to close them. Breathing would have then become the challenge.Instead I hung them back in the closet, threw on my jeans and decided to celebrate the fact that the shirt which was tight on me last week, now fits me like it should.
Yes, I am still recovering from my trip to New Orleans.,a few too many good meals.The good news is that I am recovering! I have made the choice, using the tools and skills I have acquired over the last 2 years, to work my way back down.
It's a lot of work. 
It takes commitment and effort. 
It is much harder coming off than it was going on.So I have the same conversation with myself that I have with my clients. Basically.....MAN UP!
After 962 days of  effort,I am not willing to give up on, feel defeated about or minimize all that I have accomplished.I am a walking testament to what anyone can accomplish.Why would I latch on to anything negative when there is always something positive I can grab hold of? If I was adrift at sea would I look for an anchor or a life preserver?
Life is good!
My life is good!
I have worked hard at creating a life that is good!
The skinny pants?
In the words of that famous sage Arnold Schwarzenegger.....
I'll be back!

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