Saturday, August 12, 2017

Yesterday was another how Am I Doing Friday and the day got completely away from me.
That's how I was doing!
I find myself at the outskirts of what I hope is a bit of an oasis along the road of my Journey.
Over the last few weeks there has been a shift or a change in my attitude towards life. Or maybe it's just a change in my approach towards it.
In either case, I believe I need a pause, a rest a separation, from the way I go about things.
I can use one gigantic cleansing breath,followed by some recuperative time.
(I think some might call it a vacation).
I have never been good at this. 
Allowing myself to relax is akin to letting my guard down.
There's a lot more to this,mostly "lack" driven.
Today I choose to let that go,at least to the degree that I can.
I know I need a break.
Much like during a work out, you just have to rest between sets.
When I take the time to do that, the next set is always more productive.
I am sure that is where I find myself today.
In its infinite wisdom, The Universe conspired with Mother Nature last night and we were treated a another down pour so there will be no grass cutting or yard work today. 
That's a sure sign that I am in fact in need of a shut down. 
Shutting down or at least pausing offers me the opportunity to take a look around. To see where I have traveled from and make choices as to where I might go next.
I had a chance this morning to respond to some emails from friends, one dating back almost a month. It's not that I didn't have or take the time before. What I didn't have was clarity or calm.I didn't have the space I wanted to be thoughtful.
In responding to one particular email, I was reminded of something important. 
A number of years ago I attended a Bar Mitzvah. The young man who was the "star" of the day delivered one of the most important messages I have ever heard at one of these affairs. During his drosh, his little speech to the congregation, he uttered 4 words that at the time made me sit straight up in awe and amazement.This young boy, who by Jewish standards was standing at the beginning of the road to becoming a man explained how the one lesson he had learned and tried to exercise daily was a simple one, 4 little words.....
Do The Right Thing!
Why today of all days was I reminded of this?
I have no idea. 
I am just glad, no grateful, that I was!
Shabbat Shalom!

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