Monday, August 7, 2017

Bus run is done and we are about to head out to South Jersey. 
I picked up fixin's for dinner on my way home which takes some of the pressure off of the end of the day. 
I sent out emails addressing anything that needed my immediate attention and I have opted to leave every thing else for later or another day.
Just that simple!
Why open up conversations that I can't have while attending to my day today?
There are a number of loose ends on some things I am working on, however since I will be behind the wheel for the better part of the rest of my day, why start something that I can't finish?
I will make sure to jot down those things that should be addressed once I am back at my desk.
Leaving them to my memory is probably not the smartest way o go about my business. 
There are some fairly significant items on that list. 
None are so time sensitive that they can't wait.
All are important enough that deserve my full undivided attention.
John Maxwell's word of the day is PRUDENT. 
I believe that is exactly what I am doing.
I am being prudent. 
Prudent in allocating my resources.
Prudent in my choices.
 Prudent in charting out how I use my time, skills and attention.
As my day got started a number of "pieces" didn't fall exactly in to place where I would have liked them to. Instead of deferring to the easy OMG the sky is falling, I chose to set those things aside knowing that tomorrow is another day and I can and will circle back to them at another time.
For me this is a completely new skill set and one that I appreciate and can really become accustomed to.
Now we are off to South Jersey and the in law visit.
Have an awesome day!

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