Sunday, August 13, 2017

This is not the first time I have addressed this topic,however it has been consuming my thoughts all morning . Sometimes the best way for me to work through something is to put it out there when I write.
I feel as if I have lost track of my Divine Purpose.
I have hypothesized in the past that if in fact we were made in the image of the Creator that my Divine Purpose is to create.
 I have been not created anything lately, nor am I engaged in any creative processes at the moment. I am working  a lot, doing what ever I can to earn money, support my family and stabilize our financial situation. 
All good stuff!
Day by day,week after week, month after month, there has been a shift ,one that hopefully continues for a very long time. 
I am working which is great. I just don't feel like I am creating any thing,
like I am building something.
Paychecks are nice. 
Creation is divine!
From the day I left formal education behind, I have been creating. 
It has been non-stop for me. I created jobs for dozens of college students.
I created a position that had previously never existed which became irreplaceable.
I created companies. These companies created jobs. Literally hundreds of jobs.
I created and branded new ventures. I saw voids and created opportunities. I have done this for the past 40 years.
Now I drive a bus.
I assist seniors.
I do some back office logistics.
I fill my time (and hopefully my coffers) daily.
I don't see that I am creating anything.
I am sure I am missing something when I look around at my world.
It is preposterous to me that I am not creating something!
For now, I will let this go. Staring at it will certainly not shed any new light.
Instead, I will do what I do with my daily crossword puzzles. When I get stuck, I mean really stuck, I simply put it aside . When I eventually come back to it, I am amazed at how enlightened I have become. 
It is rare that I do not eventually fill every square.
It's almost 1 pm. Time to go create a wonderful lunch experience for myself and my bride!
Shavua Tov!

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