Thursday, August 10, 2017

When you repeat an activity long enough you become better even good at it. The mechanics and the landscape surrounding that activity become familiar and eventually second nature to you.
I have been cutting lawns in New Jersey for over 50 years.
After 50 years of New Jersey weather,I have become familiar with the seasonal shifts of lawn care. Spring cleaning followed by the rapid Spring growth .
In the earliest part of the season, when the air is still cool, I can stretch the time between cuttings to as much as 2 weeks. By early May, when the weather really gets warmer and the rains have let up, a week is the maximum between each mowing.
By July, as the temperatures rise and Spring has turned to Summer the weekly cutting can often get stretched by a day or 2 or even 3.
By the time August rolls around and the ground has been parched from the constant heat, this weekly chore often can wait as long as every other week. 
This year is different. 
This growing season is unlike any other that I have experienced in the 5 decades that I have been doing lawns.
The ground has remained completely saturated.
The grass has not stopped growing. 
The grass could not possibly be any greener on the other side of the fence!
Trust me if it was I wouldn't want to care for it.
I don't know why I find this so fascinating.
Maybe because over the 50 years I have been at this, I have never seen this before.
Fascinating......truly fascinating!
I am not complaining mind you, merely making and sharing my observations. As a self proclaimed expert in this realm, it boggles my mind how wet and lush and green the grass is as we enter mid August.
Yesterday I cut my front lawn. I cut it less than a week ago. My mower clogged and stalled 3 times yesterday. 
I mulch,never bag!
Today I will have to rake, something I do maybe once in the Spring when the new shoots are fresh and vibrant.
Like I said,fascinating!
Any how, so much for this bit of wisdom and observation. 
Just felt like sharing!
(I know....a little bit weird huh?)
I guess you had to be there.

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