Saturday, August 5, 2017

I had an aha moment this morning Yesterday I was bothered by my less than exuberant attitude towards life. I could not figure out what was behind my dower mood. When I sat at my desk this morning the answer to my conundrum  was staring me in the face. As I jotted down my weight ,which I do daily, I noticed that it was August 5th.
 August 5th! 
I hate August!
I remember writing about this last August one day. 
August always meant summer was coming to an end.
Summer music school which I loved and attended yearly from 5th grade through high school graduation ended in July.
My cousin and his parents always went on their cool summer vacation in August. 
When we took a vacation it was usually  the first or second week of August . Once we returned home, it was time to start preparing for heading back to school.
No kid likes going back to school. 
For me it was the onset of a month long bout with the anticipation of the separation anxiety I experienced once school did start.
I hate August.
Later in life August meant leaving home for a month or more as I set up Halloween stores. 15 years of missed anniversaries and time away from my family.
I hate August.
I could go on and on about all of the ill will and bad feelings that come up for me in August.
I won't spend any more time on that. Now my crappy mood yesterday and the anxiousness I was experiencing makes sense to me. 
It's Freakin' August!
I can deal with this!
What's even better is that now I am aware of this I can work on finding ways to change that. 
I officially declare August to be one of the top 12 months of the year and I plan to enjoy it to it's fullest!
How's that for a change of attitude!
Shavua Tov!

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