I have been working on a project for quite some time now.
I am at that point as we enter into the final stages, where there is a lot of paper work gathering to be done. It is no longer about the big picture. Instead it is all about tying up loose ends. Dotting the T's and crossing the I's....oh wait a minute it's dotting the I's and crossing the T's.
As you can tell, this is the part of the project that I am not very good at!
It's not that I can't do it,I just don't like doing these tasks. In the past, I would have delegated this to some one else to handle making sure that everything was in order and all of the ducks were in a row.
I no longer have that luxury.
The desk that once set right next to mine has been moved so that I literally sit inside of a horseshoe created by my work space and that other work space.
The physical nature of my current office set up serves as a constant reminder that I now handle every detail.
I could have condensed everything into my old work area .
Instead I chose to create an environment that based on where I sit depends on what tasks I am performing in that moment.
Yesterday was an "eat the frog" kind of day where I chose to hunker down and work through what to me are the most distasteful chores that needed to be completed for this project.
I did it enthusiastically as well as methodically.
These tasks which had literally set on my desk for 5 days were taken on,1 at a time and 1 right after another, until each one had been addressed. 4 or 5 of them were in my direct control and are complected. 2 require follow up with others and 1 requires scheduling an appointment for a future date. Each has been handled to the extent that I could for now.
As I said, I find this part of the process to be unpleasant.
Still it had to get done and it was on me to get it done.
Mentally preparing myself armed with an attitude of "Lets Do This!"
the entire process was relatively quick, easy and painless.
Quite the contrast from how I might have approached this in the past,where each and every step along the way would have been accompanied by the stinging pain of a rock in my shoe.
If you have ever had the experience of walking upon hot coals, you know there is a preparation, both physically and mentally that must take place.
When the time comes to step on to the bed of burning hot embers, you stand tall, go at it with purpose and do not stop or slow down until you reach the other side,looking straight ahead until the end.
Yesterday I made that walk.
Today I can look back at the experience with a sense of satisfaction and pride of an accomplishment well done!
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