Where did the day go?
I left for the gym at around 6:45 this morning. It is now 8 p.m. and this is the first quiet time I have had all day.
And it's a Sunday!
I did take some time to enjoy a nice lunch on the patio with Susan this afternoon.
Other than that, I can't tell you what I actually did all day or where the hours went.
Well that's not completely accurate. Driving the bus and the drive back and forth to the bus ate up about 6 hours of the 13 unaccounted for hours of my day. Add in my workout and coffee with my cuz and that would cover another 2 hours or roughly ha little more than half of the day.
Some shopping , meal prep, dinner and lunch...well there goes your day!
As I said, it's just past 8 now and I think I will just call it a day. I'l grab the newspapers that are starting to pile up next to my easy chair and try and get through a few crosswords before heading off to bed. ^ a.m. is right around the corner and tomorrow will be here soon enough.
Ah.....Monday....and another trip to south Jersey and a visit with the out laws...I mean in laws!
(Freudian Slip!)
Shavua Tov!
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