Today is day 1407 of my 100 day Journey.
Not that I have been counting. I realized this morning that I am approaching the 4 year point which led me to calculate how long I have been at this.
It also gave me the opportunity to reflect on where I have traveled, how far I have come and where I may want to head next.
Three things come to mind today.
I could look back and marvel at how far I have come.
I could also look at where I am and ask myself what I think about where I am.
I can also take a peek at the road ahead and plot a course for where I may head next.
No doubt I have come a long, long way.
That is a good thing. actually that is an amazing thing!
The sheer magnitude of the number of changes I have made is awesome!
One might say"Big Deal...we all change!"
Well from where I find myself today as to where I was 1400 plus days ago, it is a big deal.
I acknowledge that change. I am proud of that change.
And more importantly, I am inspired by that change to seek more change.
Aha's not just's growth!
As far as where I am today...well I am where I am!
I know that there are things that I want to accomplish, some of them immediately. Next week, I will begin another cycle of weight loss. Yes, I have put on way more than a few pounds. I have made the choice to do something about it.
I know enough today that I want to set myself up for success and I have planned out my route to that end.I also know that beating myself up over something like gaining some weight is counterproductive. The more anabolic way of dealing of approaching this is to acknowledge the good work I have done and reinstitute those measures that I know will bring me the same success I have had before.Destructive self talk would negate years of hard work,something I refuse to do to myself.
With a strong plan in place to regain a positive self image, I can also turn my thoughts to what I would like to accomplish as I continue this Journey. There are unlimited possibilities.
Over the last 4 years, life has been like a trip to an amazing amusement park. Sometimes life has been like a ride on a roller coaster with it's hair pin turns and many many ups and downs. Sometimes it has been like the tilt-a-whirl leaving me completely off balance. Right now,it is more like the lazy river in the water park. I feel calm, even serene as I drift along with the flow.
I suppose I could just stay on my inflatable island and continue to drift safely along. Boring!
I know that there is much more excitement to be had. I'm just kind of catching my breath,a little personal time out, before I venture off to my next wild ride!
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