Thursday, April 20, 2017

For some unknown reason, I am not in the best of moods today. I did not sleep all that well last night. I had some disturbing and unsettling dreams which lingered when I awoke this morning. 
The weather is bleak.
I can't seem to find a smile or for that matter anything to smile about.
I have also received a number of emails, phone calls and texts ,all of which feel like petty annoyances to me. 
I decided to break away from the "real" world and take a few minutes to myself to write.
There is this little voice in my head saying "you should be answering those emails"..."you should be responding to those texts"...."You should be making those return phone calls". 
Still I have chosen to ignore all of that and carve out some me time in hopes of clearing my head.
My word of the day from my mentor John Maxwell is habits. He states when we develop good habits they serve us,when we develop bad habits we serve them.
Over my recent past, I find myself engaging in some of my old "bad" habits and these are certainly not serving me well.
That's why I am taking this time to write. It is absolutely one of my best good habits.
Giving in to other people's demands on my time and attention...well that's a bad habit I want to avoid.
I can and will respond to them in my time, on my schedule when it suits me best.
I did not use my down time around Passover in a productive manner.
I know the pain in my foot had something to do with that. 
I just was not feeling well enough to add the structure and discipline of repeating good habits to my life which in turn allowed me to continue to engage in more and more bad habits.
It's insidious!
So today I chose to write, grabbing a hold of this paramount good behavior as if it was a life preserver.
I know I can build upon that decision. 
As a matter of fact, I am feeling more positive already.
I'm glad I took this time to write. And I am grateful that you have taken the time to listen!

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