Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 3
 I'm not sure if tracking my days is a good exercise or not. I guess only time will tell.
So far so good.
My word of the day from my mentor John Maxwell is memories. This came to me just about 1 minute after I realized that yesterday I had missed my the fact that it was my mother's birthday. 
She would have been 90.

I just peeked out the window and noticed that the sun was shining.
It feels like it has been for ever since it has brightened up the sky.
It will be a nice change , even if it's only for a short while as they are calling for more rain later in the day and into tomorrow.

My agenda for the day resembles my agenda for the last few days.......nothing particularly interesting!
I'll find some stuff to busy myself with for the time being.

I'll catch up with you tomorrow and let you know how that went. 
Have an awesome day!

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