Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 6
If I allowed the scale to determine my outlook on the day I would be in real trouble today.
I know enough about my own body,eating protocols and the program I am on to not be concerned or unduly influenced by the number that may pop up when I step on the scale each morning.
It's another Sunday which of course means another trip to visit the in-laws.
As this is our new normal,working out the logistics of Sundays has become a priority. Today for instance, I got up, went to the gym, had my weekly coffee with my cousin,came home, ran out to get gas for the mower, cut the grass, sat outside and had a cup of coffee and an apple while Susan ate her breakfast, showered and as yu can see, I am now taking a few minutes to write.
By 11, we will be in the car heading South.
The plan is to be heading home by mid afternoon so that we can take advantage of the cool day and get some yard work done before I turn my attention towards making dinner.
My current plan is to find an hour a day to hit the yard,probably either right before or right after dinner.
Eventually it will all get done and we can enjoy spending time outside relaxing.
As I walk the property, I am alerted to the fact that besides the yearly cleanup, there are areas, vast areas, that have aged or deteriorated over the years. 
These areas need more than just some care, they need either repair or replace.
My priority is the Spring clean up. The rest will be addressed afterwards.
Some of it will take nothing more than effort. Some will have a financial aspect which I will address and prioritize.
I suppose this is why some people choose to rent!
It's all good.
I know in the end,I will get it all done and I will appreciate all that we accomplish.
The clock is telling me that it is time to head out for the day,so I will end this here.
I hope you have an awesome day!
Shavua Tov!

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