Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Cleaning starts today.....

The calendar says that today is April 1st. By all accounts, that means Spring is here.Everyone I speak to seems ready for Spring. Bicycle riding, yard work, walks in the park etc.Shirt sleeves shorts and shedding the extra layers of Winter are on everyone's mind.
The weather here today tells a different tale. It's cold and damp as it has been for the last few days.Most of the snow has melted ,however you don't have to look very hard to see remnants of the last big storm still lingering.
There are very few buds and nothing is in bloom yet.
Well, that's just the way things work!
The change of seasons is not a matter of flipping on a switch or pressing aa button and whammo....there we have it , a new season!
Like everything else in life, it is an incremental process.
Personally, I ma not quite ready to hit the great outdoors and tackle the yard work that I know awaits me.
As a matter of fact, I could not have hoped for a more perfectly gloomy day today. My Spring cleaning will begin right here at my desk..
It is Spring and time for a fresh start. That fresh start will start by stripping down my office area.
Today I will clear my desk, Becky's desk and all of the surfaces and shelves we use. 
I will clean, dust and reorganize. I have stared at my workspace for days now and have come to the conclusion that for now, there will be no major changes. No furniture or fixtures will get moved. Everything works where it is and I can not for the life of me, find any tweaks to our set up that will be an improvement. So after I tear it all down, I will put everything back in it's place.
So why you may ask, am I wasting my time tearing everything apart just to put it right back. Simple.
It's Spring time!
The doldrums and pall of Winter need to be cleaned and swept away.
A fresh new fertile field awaits.
The effort I put in today is a necessary part of the process.
It will guarantee that in the not too distant future there will be flowers to smell and the time to enjoy them!
Shabbat Shalom!

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