Saturday, April 22, 2017

How should I spend my day today?
That is the million dollar question.
While I don't necessarily have a honeydew list (honey do this and honey do that),there are probably 101 things that could and should be attended to around here.
There are also just as many excuses for me to put off doing them.
The back yard needs to be cut. 
However,it rained yesterday and is spritzing this morning. The grass is wet and will be difficult to cut..
My shed needs to be cleaned out and organized.
However my ankle is still an issue and I am not sure how mobile I am.
The entire yard needs to be attended to including raking and picking up all sorts of debris,cleaning up the lawn furniture and in general getting the yard set for outdoor life after the long winter.
This is a huge undertaking and certainly one that will take time, energy and perseverance.
Did I mention picking up dog poop!
It's pretty rough out there and the grass must get cut before poop pick up can begin!
I also want to take down my fencing around my front deck and re-do it. 
This is not a one man job and there is no one around to help me.
I could spend the day reaching out to customers. There are many who have yet to place orders for 2017 and on a cloudy dreary Saturday I could sit at my computer and do that follow up work.
I could also spend the day relaxing. I have a number of books on Audible that I would love to catch up on. 
There is a Yankee game at 1 and a Rangers play-off game today as well.
Okay, so those last few items really are not an option. A day spent goofing off is not a real option for me.
I think what I will do is pop some Advil, go crank up the mower and see how far I get before my ankle starts really screaming at me.
Basically, I will start at the top of the afore mentioned list and start working my way through it.
Wish me luck!
Shabbat Shalom!

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