Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Day 2
Day 1 went well yesterday (although the scale did not show it). When we begin a cycle on our plan, Day 1 is a fat loading day. Sometimes you gain a bit sometimes you lose right off the bat. This is the first time starting a cycle where I actually gained weight. I am not concerned. Having done this many times before and having coached countless others through the program I know how it works.As I have repeated time and time again "stay the course!".
Sometime around mid day yesterday I found myself literally walking in circles. I could not seem to find anything to involve myself in. 
If I were not on program, I probably would have spent a great deal of time foraging.
Eventually I wound up at the shop where I bathed and dried the last dog of the day before heading home to put up dinner. 
I went to bed still a bit perplexed at the emptiness of my schedule.
This morning, my thoughts reverted back to yesterday's experience. 
What would my day look like today?
Was today going to be as empty as yesterday was?How would I keep myself busy?
More importantly, how can I be productive?
And there it is!
I am not feeling very productive lately.
It's not that I am sitting idly by doing nothing.
I am getting things done. It just doesn't feel like I am being productive. A year ago at this time, we were in the finishing throws of readying the shop for our Grand Opening.
The build out was being completed.
There was a bunch of "things" that needed tending to. 
I found myself running around picking up supplies, making preparations for our first advertising campaign , a street fair in a neighboring town. 
I was busy and I was productive.
I have not felt productive in quite some time.
Even the Yom Hashoah candle project that I began a few years ago and just finished up felt empty. By all standards of measurement it was a huge success. Maybe the best program we have run yet. It just didn't feel productive to me. I have developed it and refined it to the point that it's literally just following a checklist to put it in play.
Successful yes.
Productive...not so much!
If I look back over my recent and not so recent past,if I reflect as my mentor John Maxwell posed in his word of the day, I can see a history. This is a time f year, Spring time, when I have always planted something new.
Why weight was born at this time of year.
Live 2 XL became an entity at this time of year. Projects like the Yom Hashoah project and Drosh and Nosh were born at this time of year. Obviously The Grooming Shoppe filled that void last year. In years gone by, this would have been the season for me to scout out retail sights for Halloween stores.
I started my refolding company in Springtime as well as our delivery service.
I even became involved in ACN in Springtime.
Even my Journey began in June,which is late Spring.
At least now I understand why I am feeling so itchy.
How that might change is anyone's guess. Being aware of it is at least half of the battle.

By the way.....I hop you take a moment to listen to today's Darren Daily. While I find some take away every day from my mentor, this one seems particularly important!

Darren Daily: 

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