The Pin Point Effect
Now that the urgency of preparing for the seders has passed and the Yom Hashoah candle project that I put together has been handled,it is time for me to get back to some of the other opportunities in my life.One of the top books on my "everyone must read" list is The Compound Effect by my mentor Darren Hardy. I it he preaches how repeated actions,no matter how small and insignificant they might seem,eventually leads to massive change. This premise works in both positive and negative directions. Repeatedly making bad choices will eventually lead to horrendous results. Making good choices repeatedly will add up to massive success.
As simple as his may seem, it is an absolute truth.
Ig I had the opportunity to offer an idea for a follow up book to my mentor, I would suggest he writes a book called The Pin Point Effect.
I find that being laser focused on that which I want to accomplish is the only way to guarantee success.
Trying to handle more than one thing at a time is a recipe for failure.
If I want to lose weight, my daily focus must start and end with my eating protocols. Not that I can't do other things during the day. However,my first thoughts and my closing thoughts on a daily basis must be around my food choices.
If I want to get in better shape, my day must start with my plan for my workout for that day. Planning and executing my workout for the day must be my number one priority.
The same applies for any area of my life that I am looking for success in.And I can only handle one at a time.
There is no such thing as multitasking.
I have said this over and over again.
In the macro environment of time, I can have a number of areas in my life that I am trying to improve upon.
In the micro environment, in any given moment in time, my focus can be on one area and one area only. Once I have addressed that which I have deemed as my immediate priority, I can then and only then, turn my attention towards any other project.
The confusion and the discomfort I felt last week boils down to a lack of focus. Too many opportunities and challenges and an indecisiveness on my part as to prioritizing them,led to the uncomfortable feelings that engulfed me for days. Once I was able to pinpoint what was most important to me in that moment,l was able to put together and action plan and a time line. Life became simple .
I was laser focused and in the end there was only one possible outcome.
The Pin Point Effect!
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